BPCAC Bylaws

The Board of County Commissioners for Multnomah County, Oregon (Board) established the Bicycle and Pedestrian Citizen Advisory Committee by Ordinance No. 979, adopted on March 21, 2002.

BPCAC | Meetings | Members

The Board of County Commissioners for Multnomah County, Oregon (Board) established the Bicycle and Pedestrian Citizen Advisory Committee (Committee) by Ordinance No. 979, adopted on March 21, 2002, repealing Ordinance No. 874, which first established the Committee on January 30, 1997.

I. Purpose And Duties

The purpose and duties of the Committee are as follows:

  1. Advise the Board and the Transportation Division on matters involving bicycle and pedestrian transportation
  2. Identify specific bicycle and pedestrian issues, problems, and opportunities, and assist in evaluating projects for the Bicycle Capital Improvement Plan and the Pedestrian Capital Improvement Plan
  3. Serve as a source of volunteers for assisting the Transportation Division at public events supporting bicycle and pedestrian issues.
  4. Adopt rules consistent with Ordinance No. 979 and all state and federal laws for the operation of the Committee.

II. Membership

  1. The Committee shall be composed of a minimum of 7 and a maximum of 14 members and up to five alternatives appointed by the Chair of the Board upon the approval of the Board.
  2. The Committee represents citizens of Multnomah County interested in bicycle and pedestrian issues from diverse geographical and occupational interest, including but not limited to the City of Gresham; City of Troutdale; City of Wood Village; City of Fairview; Northwest Multnomah County Community Association; Sauvie Island Conservancy; Sauvie Island Grange; unincorporated area of Multnomah County west of the Willamette River; Citizens for the Preservation of Skyline Ridge; unincorporated area of Multnomah County west of the Sandy River; Portland Bicycle Advisory Committee; Bicycle Transportation Alliance; Willamette Pedestrian Coalition and Portland Pedestrian Advisory Committee.
  3. Each member is appointed for a term of two years, except the Chair of the Board shall retain discretion to stagger terms of appointment as necessary to ensure rotating terms.
  4. Members receive no compensation.

III. Conflict Of Interest

Any member of the Committee who has a monetary or investment interest in any matter before the Committee must inform the membership of the Committee.

IV. Staff Assistance

Transportation Division staff shall provide technical and clerical support for the Committee.

V. Officers And Terms Of Office

The Committee shall have a Chairperson and a Vice Chairperson who shall be elected by the members of the Committee.

The term of office shall be for one (1) year. Election of officers shall be held in October of each year and will take effect in November of that year. A special election will be held to fill any officer vacancy for the remainder of the term of office.

The Chairperson shall preside over all committee meetings, may vote on all matters, appoint subcommittees, and call special meetings. The Chairperson shall report to the Board as directed by the Committee.

The Vice Chairperson shall serve in the absence of the Chairperson and perform such other duties as requested by the Chair. In the event that the Chairperson and Vice Chairperson are not present at the meeting, the Committee may select a member to chair that particular meeting.

VI. Attendance

Attendance at all Committee meetings is expected. Members who miss three (3) meetings within a twelve (12) month period without due cause shall have their appointment automatically terminated. “Due cause” is defined as notifying the Chairperson, Vice Chairperson, or supporting Transportation Division staff in advance of the meeting with a reason for not attending.

VII. Quorum

In order to transact any business or take action a quorum must be present. A quorum of the Committee shall consist of five members.

VII. Meetings

Meetings shall be held at a specific time and place that the Committee determines to be convenient for the majority of the members. Meetings shall be open to the public and shall conform to the Oregon Open Meetings Laws. Time allotted for the public to present their view to the Committee on bicycle and pedestrian issues will be determined by the Committee Chairperson in order to ensure that Committee business is completed.

IX. Minutes

The minutes of the meeting will be kept by the staff and approved by the Committee. When the votes are taken on items or opinions to be presented to the Board, a roll call vote will be taken and the results clearly documented in the minutes. The minutes shall reflect minority views in addition to the majority viewpoint.

X. Voting

The vote of the majority of the Committee members present at any regular, continued or special meeting shall be sufficient to pass or act upon any matter properly before the Committee. A Committee member not present at a meeting may vote by proxy in a communication made to the Chairperson or the staff by the time the vote is made by the Committee.

XI. Amendments To The Bylaws

The bylaws may be amended at any regular meeting of the Committee by a majority of the voting membership of the Committee, provided that written notice of the proposed amendment is sent to each member of the Committee not less than one (1) week prior to the meeting.

-Approved by Committee on October 9, 2002

Last reviewed February 24, 2025