Q: I currently have Employee parking garage costs deducted from my County paychecks. Can I enroll in this account for those expenses?

A: Your Employee parking garage costs are pre-tax deductions, so those expenses are not eligible under this plan.

Q: I currently have Employee Zone parking costs deducted from my County paychecks. Can I enroll in this account for those expenses?

A: Your Employee Zone parking costs are pre-tax deductions, so those expenses are not eligible under this plan.

Q: I bike to work and park my bike in a privately owned garage that charges me to park my bike. Is this an eligible expense under the Parking TRP?

A: Yes. Expenses that you incur to PARK your bike when commuting are eligible under the Parking TRP.

Q: Can I enroll in both the Parking TRP and the Transit TRP?

A: Yes.

Q: What if I want to cancel my enrollment?

A: You can make enrollments, changes, and cancellations at any time during the year (up to 1x per month). There will also be a formal open enrollment in the fall.

Q: What happens if I don't re-enroll during open enrollment?

A: If you have any funds remaining in the account at the end of the year, those funds will roll over into the new plan year. You will be able to get reimbursed for eligible expenses that you incur in the new year (as long as you're still employed at Multnomah County). BUT you must re-enroll during the annual open enrollment if you want to continue actively participating (having deductions come out of your paychecks) in the TRP account for the next plan year.

Q: When are my rollover funds available?

A: Remaining funds will be available in your account on April 1st of the new plan year. If you want access to the funds prior to April 1st, you can call PacificSource Administrators and ask them to release your rollover funds early. They can be reached at 800-422-7038.

Q: What happens to my Parking TRP funds if I leave employment with Multnomah County?

A: The Parking TRP is provided only for travel to/from work. When your employment ends, you will lose access to your Parking TRP and any remaining funds on the official date of your termination. You can, however, file a claim within 90 days of your termination date for reimbursement of eligible expenses that were incurred during your County employment.

Q: When do my Parking TRP funds become available?

A: The amount you contribute each pay period will be sent to PacificSource Administrators as soon as payroll processing is complete. Due to varying processing times, it could be several days after the pay date before funds are available in your account for reimbursement.

Q: What expenses are eligible for Parking TRP?

A: Here is a list you can refer to:

For more information, email employee.benefits@multco.us or call 503-988-3477.

PacificSource Administrators
Customer Service: Toll Free 800-422-7038 -- http://psa.pacificsource.com/PSA/

Last reviewed December 8, 2021