Kaiser Permanente (KP)
No referral is needed to access behavioral health and addiction care services. Appointments can be made by calling (503-249-3434 or 1-855-632-8280), through kp.org, or through the KP app. You will be able to select whether you want an appointment for therapy, or for psychiatric care/medication, and also whether you want to make an appointment with a Kaiser provider or a provider contracted in the community. If you prefer to see a provider contracted in the community, you will be given a list of providers (with urls) that you can research and contact on your own for availability. You will want to mention to external providers that your insurance coverage is with Kaiser.
If you are in crisis, you can get help 24/7 by calling Kaiser's crisis line (Safety Net) at 503-331-6425. This number is staffed by KP internal providers during business hours and connects to the Lines for Life service after hours. If calling after hours, your information will be provided to Kaiser so they can follow-up with you and provide further care if needed.
About Kaiser Behavioral Health
- Continually working to improve access to care and shorter wait times before seeing a provider
- Most urgent appointments are seen within 48-hours and most new, initial appointments are scheduled within 14 days
- Make behavioral health appointments online, through the KP app or by telephone
- Ability to schedule directly with contracted external partners (external provider list is available when booking through KP online or in the app)
- KP has increased their Behavioral Health provider budget and is actively recruiting to expand their network providers
- You may also schedule an appointment online through kp.org with a Behavioral Health Consultant (BHC). They are licensed clinicians who work as part of your primary care team. They cannot prescribe medication but can refer you to other resources.
- Low copays, including no cost for telehealth appointments. See the costs for your plan on the current year's Medical Comparison chart.
- Most prescriptions are available by mail
- DocumentKaiser Self Care Apps (Calm, Headspace Care) (217.02 KB)
- Calm - mindfulness & meditation
- Headspace Care - emotional support coaching
- Wellness Coaching by Phone
- Addiction Treatment
- Behavioral Health Consultants
- Health Classes and Programs
First Responder Providers
In addition to internal providers, Kaiser also contracts with external providers who can provide care to first responders. This document was last updated on 10/1/24.
Questions? Please contact: KPNW-External-MH-Providers@kp.org
Moda Health
How to Get Care
No referral is needed to access behavioral health and addiction care services. Appointments can be made by calling Moda’s Behavioral Health 360 team at 833-212-5027 or emailing bhchampions@modahealth.com. You can also contact any contracted provider directly.
Moda offers Behavioral Health Champions who will bring all the support and tools you need for behavioral wellness right to you. Behavioral Health Champions can be reached at 833-212-5027 or bhchampions@modahealth.com.
provide concierge-level services:
- You tell them what you need in a provider (therapy type, race/gender of therapist preferred, focus on LGBTQIA+, BIPOC, location, schedule), they find the match
- They verify provider availability and schedule appointments
- They provide follow-up connections to make sure you have the necessary resources and are getting the care and support timely
- Moda members also have the option to receive behavioral health care through Spring Health
About Moda Behavioral Health
- No referral needed for access to behavioral health
- No charge for in-network outpatient behavioral health for PPO 400 members
- 15% coinsurance after deductible for behavioral health inpatient/residential treatment for PPO 400 members; 30% coinsurance after deductible for Major Medical members
- View the current year's Medical Comparison Chart for more cost information
- DocumentModa Health Behavior Health Champions Flyer (163.06 KB)
- Document
First Responder Providers
The providers in this downloadable PDF are contracted with Moda and specialize in treating first responders:
Behavioral Health Care for Adolescents and Children (Kaiser and Moda)
How to find Behavioral Health Care for Adolescents and Children (This is an internal link for employees only)
988 - Improved National Mental Health Resource
When people call, text, or chat 988, they will be connected to trained counselors that are part of the existing Lifeline network. These trained counselors will listen, understand how their problems are affecting them, provide support, and connect them to resources if necessary.

Employee Assistance Program (EAP) - ComPsych
How to Get Care
All benefit eligible employees are covered under the EAP in addition to their regular health plan, or if they opt out of coverage. For telephone counseling, simply call 866-483-1493 and request telephone counseling. For 24-hour Crisis Help, call 866-483-1493 (TTY: 800 697 0353). You can also use ComPsych's mobile app, Guidance Resources (flyer). To create and account and access services, your Web ID is "MULTCO." **New 1/1/25: Your Personalized Care Journey (video).
ComPsych (EAP) also offers access to behavioral health services. All benefit-eligible employees and members of their household can access the benefits of the EAP. The EAP provides 6 free counseling sessions per person, per issue, per year, along with other benefits. County employees can find more information on the EAP page on the Commons. The EAP is often used for shorter-term issues, does not provide medication management, and is separate from your health plan.
Employee Wellness
The County's Employee Wellness Team hosts wellness workshops, guided meditations, and much more. Visit the Employee Wellness (internal link for employees only) page for more information.