Gaining or Losing Other Coverage

County Employee gaining other group coverage; County Employee losing non-County coverage; Enrolled family member gaining other group coverage; Family member losing other group coverage

Gaining Other Coverage

Did you or your dependent acquire new group health plan coverage and want to Opt Out of County coverage?

Employees have 60 days from the effective date of other coverage to report the event to the Employee Benefits Office in order to Opt Out of County-sponsored health plan coverage.

  • Change your benefits using the Workday Benefits and Pay Hub.
  • You will need to attach in Workday, or send to us via email, documentation of the new coverage. The documentation should include the name/s of the individuals who gained other coverage and the date coverage began.
  • Opt-Out Affidavit webform also required.

Loss of Coverage

Did you or your dependent lose coverage and need to opt into County coverage?

Employees have 60 days from loss of coverage date to report the event to the Employee Benefits Office in order to enroll into County-sponsored health coverage. This change is only applicable to the employee if you are enrolled in the Opt-Out option with Multnomah County and lose non-County coverage. Eligible family members losing coverage can also be enrolled at this time.

If the employee did not lose coverage, but family members are losing coverage, they can be added to the employee's current health plan elections due to the loss of coverage.

  • Change your benefits using the Workday Benefits and Pay Hub.
  • You will need to attach in Workday, or send to us via email, documentation of coverage loss. The documentation should include the name/s of the individuals who lost coverage and the date coverage ended.
  • Marriage/Domestic Partnership Affidavit webform - Required to add a Spouse/Domestic Partner to any benefit plans
Last reviewed April 4, 2024