If you are Non-Represented, or in the DSA, FOPPO, MCCDA, IBEW, IUOE, Dentists, Pharmacists, or Physicians groups*, you may have an HRA VEBA account with the County (Health Reimbursement Arrangement - Voluntary Employee's Beneficiary Association). If you are not in these groups and believe you should be eligible for VEBA, please contact us at employee.benefits@multco.us
This account reimburses out-of-pocket health care expenses incurred by you, your spouse, or your dependent children.
If you qualify, you are automatically enrolled, and can then register to change your investment allocation, dependent information, and/or direct deposit for claims reimbursement.
For account support, HRA VEBA can be contacted via email through your online HRA VEBA portal or by calling 1-888-659-8828.
Differences between VEBA and MERP FSA Accounts
HRA VEBA - Health Reimbursement Account
- VEBA is employer-paid; the county contributes on your behalf
- Employees who are eligible** are automatically enrolled
- Funds are deposited into your VEBA account each pay period
- Funds are accessed directly using a debit card or by submitting for reimbursement
- There is no rollover. The funds accrue year-to-year and remain yours even once you leave the county
- Funds are tax-free and are not reported on your W-2 or 1099
- Visit hraveba.org to create an account an access your funds
- DocumentHRA Medical Expense Table (603.77 KB)
MERP - Flexible Spending Account
- MERP is employee-paid, taken from each paycheck
- Employees must sign up every year they want to enroll and decide on an amount
- The funded amount is deposited in entirety at the start of the calendar year for use
- Funds are accessed via directly using a debit card or by submitting for reimbursement
- Funds have limited rollover for one calendar year, remaining unused funds are forfeit
- Funds are pre-tax
- Accounts are administered and managed through PacificSource
- Document
Supporting Documentation
HRA VEBA Plan Participant Enrollment Kit (pdf)
*The participating bargaining units/union groups have negotiated their own specific contribution structure which may include a portion of hourly wage, salary, and/or vacation payout at employment termination.
**Elected official staff, elected officials, and the district attorney are not eligible to receive VEBA funds according to Personnel Rule 4-20.