Active Subcommittees
To attend a meeting of an active LPSCC Subcommittee, please contact LPSCC
DSS-J Policy Committee
Mission: To oversee the continued development of the Decision Support System Justice (DSSJ) data warehouse by prioritizing strategies to improve the administration, accessibility, operation, and security of DSSJ to ensure the realization of the system’s full potential.
Meets when needed.
Justice Reinvestment/3194 Steering Committee
Chaired by David VanSpeybroeck
Mission: A steering committee tasked with implementing a justice reinvestment program in Multnomah County that meets the goals established by House Bill 3194, which include maintaining an effective and sustainable public safety system while reducing prison growth.
Usually meets virtually the 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 7:30am.
Juvenile Justice Steering Committee
Chaired by Kyla Romero-Armstrong
Mission: The Juvenile Justice Steering Committee will provide strategic direction and oversight for Multnomah County’s juvenile justice system. Ongoing forum for communication and collaboration among key decision makers for the purposes of evaluating, analyzing, planning, policy-making, and recommending action to improve the effectiveness and efficiency of the Multnomah County Juvenile Justice System.
Launched in 2025, usually meets the 2nd Tuesday at noon.
Pretrial Subcommittee
Chaired by Chief Deputy Reardon (MCSO) and John McVay (DCJ)
Purpose: To facilitate dialogue between pretrial system leadership in order to make policy decisions, troubleshoot operational challenges, monitor pretrial outcomes, and explore opportunities for system improvement.
Usually meets the 2nd Monday at 3pm at the Multnomah County Justice Center.
Affiliated public safety groups
Criminal Justice Advisory Committee (CJAC)
Chaired by Judge Michael Greenlick
Mission: “To consider and address methods of coordinating court, public defense and related services and resources in the most efficient and cost-effective manner that complies with the constitutional and statutory mandates and responsibilities of all participants” (ORS 1.851).
Chaired by Sheriff Nicole Morrisey and Jay Scroggin
Mission: To examine ways to pool resources and funding streams to promote lower recidivism rates for returning offenders and minimize the harmful effects of offenders’ time in jail on families and communities.
Domestic Violence Fatality Review Team
Chaired by Judge Nan Waller
Mission: To carefully review the details a criminal case involving a death caused by domestic violence in order to gain insight into the tragedy and develop recommendations for strategies to avoid similar incidents in the future.
Past affiliated groups and subcommittees
Mental Health and Public Safety Subcommittee
Chaired by Judge Nan Waller
Racial and Ethnic Disparities (RED) Subcommittee
Chaired by Judge Nan Waller
Youth and Gang Violence Subcommittee
Chaired by Deputy District Attorney Kirsten Snowden and Nike Greene
Public Safety Plan Workgroup
Chaired by Mike Schrunk and Scott Taylor
Alcohol and Drug Criminal Justice Workgroup
Chaired by Commissioner Serena Cruz
Task Force on Over-Representation in the Criminal Justice System (ROCS) (2001-2002)
Chaired by District Attorney Michael Schrunk and Reverend Ronald Williams, Pastor Bethel AME Church
Working Group on the Over-Representation of Minorities (1998-2000)
Chaired by District Attorney Michael Schrunk
System and Agency Alignment Workgroup
Chaired by Portland Police Chief Mike Reese
Evaluation Resource Group
Chaired by Matt Nice
Working Group on Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention
Chaired by Elyse Clawson, Past Director Department of Community Justice
Working Group on Domestic Violence (1998-2000)
Chaired by Chiquita Rollins, City of Portland and Multnomah County Domestic Violence Coordinator
Working Group on Strategic Approaches to Community Safety (STACS)
Chaired by Kris Olson, US Attorney