Multnomah Money Management Program

Multnomah County's Oregon Money Management Program

Multnomah County's Oregon Money Management Program (OMMP)

As a part of the state's Oregon Money Management Program, the mission is to help older adults and people with disabilities with limited resources maintain peace of mind, independence, and protection against fraud and financial exploitation by helping them to better manage their federal finances and serve as their Representative Payee, appointed by the Social Security Administration (SSA). As an Area Agency on Aging (AAA), Multnomah County ADVSD is an Organizational Payee, as designated by SSA. We are only able to manage federal Social Security and Veteran Administration benefits. We are not able to manage private pensions or other resources.


Individuals 60 and older with an ongoing Case Manager/Care Coordinator are eligible for our services. Individuals 18 and older are eligible with an ongoing Case Manager/care coordinator and a documented disability.


Representative Payee of Social Security Administration (SSA) benefits and/or Fiduciary of Veteran Administration (VA) benefits. We are not able to manage any private funds or resources.

Representative Payee services are available for consumers who do not have the capacity to manage their own federal benefits. Multnomah County staff apply to SSA/VA to become the Representative Payee or Fiduciary for the individual. If appointed by the SSA and/or VA our staff will manage day-to-day financial tasks of the individual’s federal benefits to ensure housing, food, and medical costs are prioritized and paid on time along with personal incidental funds (PIF) to the client for spending money This program is limited to providing only money management support for the people we serve.

Make a Referral

Currently Multnomah County’s OMMP works with partners, such as Adult Protective Services, Medicaid Services Case Managers, Case Managers at Senior Centers and our contracted culturally specific agencies, The Transition and Diversion team, VA field officers and other entities that provide ongoing case management support to receive referrals for Rep Payee Services.


Adult Protective Services referrals:
please indicate this is an APS referral in the Additional Notes section of the form.

Veteran Field Officers: please email us directly to set-up a meeting to complete the VA paperwork at:

Housing: the SSA form that is completed by the OMMP team to apply to be the Rep Payee includes the individual lives alone (does not share income resources with anyone else) and, when applicable, what type of facility they live in. Please give us as much housing information as possible. We also need to know if they have rent or other bills that are in arrears. We may ask you to help us gather relevant information for the application and also to attach to the application to help ensure accuracy, completeness and speed up the SSA process. Examples include a statement from Adult Protective Services or the VA field officer regarding substantiated financial exploitation perpetrated on the client or a physician’s statement regarding diminished capacity.

Determination: SSA takes approximately 3-6 months to make a decision on Representative Payee status. Once we are notified that we are appointed, we then proceed with creating a budget to prioritize bills and any installment payments that may be needed, along with a method of providing PIF to the client. Note: we do not disburse cash and it can take up to 14 days to process payments.


Some firewalls prevent the form from loading and the link appears to be broken. If this is true for you, please contact our office and we will email you the information needed for the referral.

You will need to provide us comprehensive information about your referral including contact information, date of birth, social security number, demographics, and income information.

Contact Information

Multnomah County's Oregon Money Management Program
​209 SW 4th Avenue | Suite 510 | Portland, OR 97204

Request edits to this website or the partner DC/EE roster, or ask about partner calendar events through this Google Form.

Partners and providers only: If you need further assistance or are unable to locate a resource, please fill out this web form.

Last reviewed May 8, 2024