Permitting a Driveway

A driveway permit is usually a requirement of a land use process or building permit.

A driveway permit is usually a requirement of a land use process or building permit. Before applying for a permit, you should have begun a process with your land use authority and been referred to us.

A driveway permit is required for any new or altered access to a county road. In addition, some older driveways may have never received a permit and may need to be brought into compliance.

Permits are processed in the order in which they are received. They usually take about three weeks. The more complete the application, the quicker the permit will be processed.

Driveway Permit Checklist

  • Right-of-way permit application
  • Land use or building permit case number, if you have one
  • Site plan
  • Site photos (optional)
  • Proof of insurance
  • Traffic control plan
  • Permit fee and driveway deposit payment. After permit application has been submitted, an invoice will be emailed to you for payment.

See below for an existing driveway that needs a permit.

Permit Application

Once you've reviewed the checklist, you can begin your application.

Site Plan

Your site plan should show the location of the work, including the width of the driveway and where it meets the road.

Insurance Requirements

Before we issue a permit, you must provide proof of Commercial General Liability Insurance.

For an example of proof of insurance, please see our 

. This is a document that would be issued by your insurer.

Traffic Control Requirements

If your work plan is expected to interrupt or affect traffic, you will need to provide a traffic control plan that conforms to MUTCD standards.

If your plan includes a road or lane closure, please include the anticipated work schedule, including hours.

Permit Fees

The permit application fee for a driveway is $300. This fee includes two inspections which is typically all that is needed. If additional inspections or field visits are required due to late cancellations or other reasons, you will be billed an additional $150 per visit. If your plan calls for lane closures, there is an additional fee of $300. Depending on the nature of the work, other fees may apply.

Fees will be calculated when your permit application is submitted, and you may find and pay your invoice through our permit portal.

Driveway Deposit

A deposit of $1,870 is required if you are paving or repaving a driveway. The deposit will be refunded after the driveway has been constructed and passed inspection. You will receive an invoice for this amount after you submit your application. You can pay this online.

Permitting an Existing Driveway

For an older driveway that was never permitted and does not require paving, please submit the following:

  • Permit application
  • Site plan or site map (a Google map is acceptable)
  • Permit fee of $300






Last reviewed December 3, 2024