Shelter and Homeless Services

Shelter and Homeless Service available in the Multnomah County Area

Shelters and Homeless Services Overview

Types of Shelter

Shelter types include: congregate, motel and alternative (village-style)

  • Population specific shelter (e.g. youth, domestic violence, family, etc.)
  • Culturally-specific shelter
  • Behavioral health shelter
  • Medical shelter
  • Recovery-oriented transitional housing
  • Severe weather shelter

How do people access shelter?

Unaccompanied youth (under 25):

  • Call or visit the Access Center (1635 SW Alder Street) at (503) 432-3986 between
    9 a.m. and 5 p.m. (After 8:30 PM, youth can access emergency shelter at 1635 SW Alder.)
  • Access Day Shelter programs at Outside In and New Avenues for Youth

People escaping domestic violence or sexual assault:

  • Contact Call to Safety (503-235-5333)
  • Linea UNICA for Spanish speakers (503-232-4448)
  • Volunteers of America Oregon Home Free (503-771-5503)
  • Gateway Center (503-988-6400)

Families with children: Call 211

Behavioral Health Shelter/Motel Programs:

  • Behavioral Health Resource Center day and night shelter 503-988-5090 X87434
  • Behavioral Health Motel referrals come from the following BH Programs EASA, PATH, Aid &
    Assist, M-ITT, AICC, and Choice.
  • Behavioral Health Resource Center - serving the houseless who are experiencing addition or mental health challenges. Day center (8am-8pm) offers the following: restrooms, showers, pets allowed, laundry, lockers, computers/charging station, basic first aid/medical referrals, support groups, clothing. Shelter & Bridge Housing on site administered by Do Good Multnomah. All referrals come through the Day Center. Check the website for instructions on how to access the resource center services.

Adults without children:

  • Varies by shelter. For a list of shelters and how to make a reservation:

Severe Weather Shelter: When a severe weather event is declared, the County may open temporary daytime warming centers and overnight warming shelters.

  • For up-to-date info about warming shelters and other resources
    during severe weather activations, visit:


Homeless Service Resources Lines and Programs


311 - Mult. Co. specific phone line for unsheltered to get assistance connecting to Street Service Coordination Center workers and shelter. 7 days a week 7am-8pm. Email: More info available at the City of Portland's 311 webpage. Click here to find information flyers explaining 911, 211 and 311. Here's a link to a KGW article explaining the difference between 211 and 311. 311 refers to Safe Rest Villages and Temporary Alternative Shelter Sites (tiny home communities).

Visiting, emailing or calling 211 is the best place to start when seeking shelter resources. 211 maintains shelter resource lists and can provide you with some information about shelter availability and wait list status. For families with children and women in their 3rd trimester of pregnancy, 211 will take your name and a specialist will call you within 72 hours to conduct a needs assessment. Individuals assessed to be the most vulnerable are prioritized for placement in shelters. 211 also has an app that contains many community resources, you can download the app for free by searching 211info. Shelters usually operate on a first come/first serve basis until they are full. Some have waiting lists.

Multnomah County:

  • Multnomah County, Joint Office of Homeless Services - Find Help Now. If you are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless, find shelter, food, clothing, resources, support and other services on this webpage.
  • Joint Office of Homeless Services - Funded Shelters in Mult. County (Mult. Co. Joint Office of Homeless Services)
  • Map of Shelter's Located in Multnomah County Multnomah County and the City of Portland fund year-round shelters for people experiencing homelessness and those seeking refuge from severe weather events. This interactive map displays all of the shelters distributed across Multnomah County and the City of Portland.
  • TB Test: Many shelters require Tuberculosis tests. Please contact the Multnomah County Health Department at 503-988-8939 for Tuberculosis Clinic testing information. Additional information can be found here:
  • Rose City Resource Guide by Street Roots - Homeless services resource website.
  • Portland Camping Restrictions Map (2023) - Shaded areas on the map are prohibited areas for camping.
  • Shelter Lists available on NW Pilot Projects website: Shelter and Housing Lists created by Northwest Pilot Project (English); Shelter and Housing Lists created by Northwest Pilot Project (Spanish)
  • The People's Store - volunteer run collective that supplies unhoused people with survival items such as tents, harm reduction supplies, clothing, food and more. They distribute supplies twice a month at two locations in Portland. 1st Sundays at 1:30 - SE 99th & Ankeny; and 3rd Sundays at 1:30 - SE 3rd & Belmont 

  • Transition Projects Inc - TPI is the largest provider of homeless shelter services in Multnomah County. Contact 503-280-4700. 
    • Transition Projects shelter beds can be accessed in person by visiting their Resource Center at 650 NW Irving Street, Portland, OR; or emailing
    • Transition Projects Resource Center: offers restrooms, showers, laundry, haircuts, clothing, lockers, mail, ID & Birth Certificates, computer lab, employment assistance, TB screening, Trimet tickets, food box vouchers
  • Ticket Home Program: Travel assistance for individuals experiencing homelessness in Mult. Co. to reunite with their loved ones anywhere in the US. All costs, including fare and per-diem for trips longer than 24 hours are covered on the condition that they have a loved one who will house them for at least 90 days. Administered by Transition Projects. 

  • Portland Rescue Mission - Portland Rescue Mission provides food, shelter, restrooms, showers and clothing, mail and nightly chapel services. Information about these services can be found here.
  • Join - Join conducts outreach to individuals living outdoors, housing retention services to newly housed households, and they have a day center. The day center provides restrooms, showers, mail services, laundromat vouchers, hygiene items, and clothing. Contact Join at 503-232-2031. They are located at 1435 NE 81st Ave., Portland, OR 97213.
  • Marie Equi Canter - Day center focused on supporting LBGTQIAS+ adults experiencing homelessness - including finding appropriate treatment for substance use disorder. Referrals - Contact -, 4434 SE 25th Ave., Portland, OR 97202, 503-459-2584



Washington County:

Alternative Shelter Communities (aka Pod Villages)

Alternative Shelter Communities

Alternative shelter sites are generally outdoor sites with tiny houses/pods that offer increased safety, security, community, and basic human needs to people who are living unhoused. A wide range of services can be provided in these alternative shelter sites, including on-site case management, physical and mental health services, and housing placement.

There are a variety of types of alternative shelters. The main ones serving people in the Portland area are:

  • C3PO Villages (Creating Conscious Communities with People Outside) – see below for more info
  • Beacon Village PDX: 10-pod village located at Bridgeport United Church of Christ opened in Fall 2021, with support from the Joint Office of Homeless Services. Beyond shelter, the program also offers employment and other support services.
  • St. Johns Village: The village, operated by Do Good Multnomah under a contract with the Joint Office of Homeless Services, hosts 19 sleeping pods on land leased from a neighboring church, and includes a community building and on-site housing and case management services.
  • Kenton Women’s Village: A village of 20 sleeping pods for self-identified women, operated by Catholic Charities with support from the Joint Office of Homeless Services. The Village offers on-site services including mental health care, visiting nursing students, financial literacy and individual development accounts, assistance with job search and/or benefits applications, housing search, cooking lessons, yoga, gardening lessons, social activities, food pantries, and more.
  • Dignity Village: The original “alternative shelter” village in Portland, founded in 2000 by the homeless community, for the homeless community, on land provided by the City of Portland. They call themselves “a cross between a transitional housing option and an intentional community.” The Joint Office supports Dignity Village by assigning housing case management workers to work with folks staying there.
  • Right 2 Dream Too is a nighttime rest stop that provides nighttime sleeping spaces to the community and longer-term shelter for folks who also help run the rest stop. The rest stop’s location is provided by the City of Portland. The Joint Office supports Right 2 Dream Too by assigning housing case management workers to work with folks staying there.
  • Agape Village: Tiny house village creating a safe, structured, stable and encouraging community for people to live in while they find the help and resources they need. Agape Village is constructed on a portion of the property at Central Nazarene Church.
  • SRVs (Safe Rest Villages) - A City of Portland led program (supported by the JOHS and providers) to provide unhoused Portlanders with a place to access sleep, basic and necessary hygiene, and access to case management and behavioral health services. Click here for Safe Rest Village Locations. Referral only - Call 311 to request assistance from a city street outreach worker for referral to a Safe Rest Village. Entry is by referral only, adults only (18+), partners, and pets OK. Referrals will also be made by first responders, Park Rangers, Portland Street Response, among other social service providers engaging with those living outside to a referral program to be managed by the Joint Office of Houseless Services.
  • WeShine - designs, builds, and operates neighborhood-based micro-villages that provide safe, transitional shelter and services where Portland’s vulnerable, unsheltered adults can live as they prepare to become successful tenants in permanent, affordable housing. We Shine has 3 villages: Parkrose, Avalon, and St. Andrews. Click here for a link to the WeShine Village Guest Application.  Applications can be emailed to
    • Parkrose Village - 12501 NE Halsey St, 97230. Serves adults who identify as LGBTQIA2S+ (sexual and gender minorities)
    • Avalon Village - Transitional micro-village with wraparound services at 2539 SE 19th Ave. Avalon Village will serve women and female-identified adults, prioritizing those who are Black, Indigenous, or People of Color as well as those who are older adults, have chronic health conditions or disabilities, or who have been camping in the near by area. The village will include 10 sleeping pods, an on-site office, a hygiene building with a shower and toilets, a kitchenette and laundry building and a third community building for meetings and group activities. Sleeping pods will include a lockable front door, covered porch, 2 windows, and interior heating, lighting, and outlets. Avalon will be fully fenced with security cameras at each gate.
    • St. Andrews Village - 7600 N. Hereford Ave., 97203. Serves adults who are 45 and older or adults of any age with physical disabilities. 


Safe Park Locations:

  • Sunderland RV Safe Park Village (9827 NE Sunderland) - Sunderland RV Safe Park FAQ. The site is not currently open and not opening date has yet been published.
  • N Portland Road City Shelter Site - the site will have 90 tiny home pods and 70 parking spaces for individuals living in their RV/Camper. The shelter will accommodate 200 people. Urban Alchemy will manage the site. The site is slated to open in Fall 2024.
  • Montavilla Community Village - The Joint Office of Homeless Services is converting the property at 333 S.E. 82nd Ave into 29 tiny homes with a capacity to serve up to 40 people. They will prioritize serving individuals transitioning from passenger vehicles into permanent housing, providing them with wraparound services on-site. Nonprofit provider Straightway Services will provide on-site, 24/7 services. The site will be fenced and will be available through reservations. Participants will have on-site access to trash service, showers, restrooms, laundry, a kitchenette and housing services and supports. The site is not yet available, and it is unclear when the site will open in the future. We will provide an update here when available.


Youth Homeless Service Providers (under age 25)

If you are homeless, under the age of 25 and looking for shelter, safety off the streets, or other crisis services, please contact the Access Center at 503-432-3986 on a 24-hour basis. 

The Homeless Youth Continuum (HYC) is designed to serve youth up to age 25 in Multnomah County who have no viable, safe home options. Services are available 24/7 to provide safety off the streets and access to a continuum of low barrier, harm reduction-focused supports.

Coordinated access to the HYC is through mobile staff that provide screening, eligibility and referral services, and via the Access Center, located at 1635 SW Alder Street. A continuum of services are offered including: day programs/drop in programs, education, employment, mental health & addictions supports, engagement services, health, recreational opportunities, emergency shelter and a range of housing options. 

The Alba Collaborative - located at the Youth Opportunity Center in Rockwood, provides 24/7 help for youth under 18 experiencing a crisis or needing a safe place to stay. Outreach and wraparound supports are offered for young people ages 9-17 at-risk of or experiencing homelessness including:

  • Mentoring and advocacy from staff trained in Trauma Informed Care and Assertive Engagement
  • Access and/or referrals to emergency and transitional housing options
  • Food, clothing, hygiene items, bus tickets/public transportation support
  • Information and support with street safety, health insurance, crisis
  • Management and medical care
  • Engagement and recreation activities
  • Resources and referrals for gang affected youth, youth with alcohol and drug addiction, sex trafficked youth, and LGBTQIA+ specific programs and support
  • Access and/or referrals to alternative education options
  • Access to employment programs & services

The Alba Collaborative is a partnership between New Avenues, Latino Network, Youth Progress, National Safe Place Network, and Multnomah County. Located at the New Avenues Youth Opportunity Center (YOC), 470 SE 165th Ave., Portland, OR 97233 on a shared campus with Boys & Girls Club, Open School, and Latino Network. The YOC and Alba Collaborative are open 24/7 for youth ages 9-17. YOC Drop-In hours are Monday-Friday 10 am-6 pm for youth ages 9-24 offering showers, meals, computer access and other supports.


Hygiene Services

  • Transition Projects Resource Center - 650 NW Irving St. 503-280-4700. Offers showers every day. Weekdays until 6:45pm and weekends until 2:45pm. They provide soap and shower supplies. Laundry services are also available.
  • Multnomah County Behavioral Health Resource Center - offers showers and laundry. Participants must access a ticket that provides them a corresponding block of time they can access the space. This allows the environment to remain calm, and folks know they will have access to shower/laundry during their assigned/ticketed "block." Visit the "How to Access the Day Center" section of the BHRC website for details about how to utilize this resource. 
  • PSU Resource Calendar - shows what resources are open for things like food/hygiene each day. General list of services for the unhoused.
  • Blanchet House list for shower suggestions:
  • Clackamas Service Center - All genders. Showers are available Tuesday and Thursday from 10am-1pm at portable shower cart with two separate shower rooms. Shampoo, conditioner, body wash, washcloths, and towels are provided. Razors, combs, and a change of clothes, including new socks and underwear are also available. Public showers are limited to 15 minutes per person. If a visitor is concerned about their ability to undress, shower, and redress within that time frame, they should speak with a volunteer or staff member. Showers are offered on a first-come, first-served basis. Location and Contact: 8800 SE 80th Ave, Portland, Oregon 97206; 503-771-7914;
  • Hygiene4All - All genders. Showers are provided in a trailer from 3-9 p.m. on Sunday, Tuesday, and Thursday. 3-7 p.m. on Fridays. Located under the Morrison Bridge, on the corner of SE MLK Blvd. and SE Belmont St. Soap, towels, hygiene supplies, clean clothing, and medical supplies are available. Sanitized port-a-potties are available. Household trash disposal. Charge electronic devices. The last shower of the day is 45 minutes before closing time. **Closed for federal holidays and Oct 31., Nov. 22-29 Dec. 21-26, and Dec. 31-Jan. 2. Location and Contact: Under the Morrison Bridge on the East Side of the river. 971-236-2524
  • City Team, 526 SE Grand Ave, Portland, Oregon 97214; 503-231-9334;; Website: - Drop-in showers for WOMEN on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 1-3pm Showers; showers for MEN are offered to guests staying at overnight shelter. Towels are available and toiletries are offered on-site in hygiene kits.
  • Union Gospel Mission at Parkrose United Church of Christ - All genders. Free public showers are available from 11 a.m.-3 p.m. on Wednesdays. Public showers are located in a mobile shower trailer. Soap, shampoo, and towels are provided. Underwear and clothes are not provided. Location and Contact: 12505 NE Halsey St. at Parkrose United Church of Christ 503-274-4483;
  • Cultivate Initiatives Shower Schedule: They also post the schedule weekly on their facebook page and likely more up to date. 

  • Laundry Love: Washes the clothes and bedding of low/no income households across the US.
  • Love Shack Compassion Ministry: 503-781-1138, Laundry events every other Tuesday at ECO Laundromat on 122nd & Division. Two loads per person, includes detergent.



  • City Day Storage Program - Day Storage Details - located at 435 NW Glisan St., Portland, OR 97209; Hours - Monday - Sunday, 7am-8pm (except holidays). Users can drop off belongings anytime during operating hours and pick up same day. Property will be held for 30 days. The site is run by Central City Concern and is available to individuals experiencing homelessness. 


Animal Fostering Programs for Households who are Homeless or in Treatment

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Last reviewed December 2, 2024