WIC online nutrition classes and videos cover pregnancy, breastfeeding, feeding your growing child and family and other topics. You can do them from the comfort of your home!
Scheduled Classes
Join live classes on Google Meet. Contact us for the latest schedule.
We’ll text you a reminder the week before, and send the link to join an hour before class starts.
Get ready for your virtual class:
- Google Meet cheat sheet
- Download the Google Meet app
- Watch this video to learn how to join your virtual class from a computer or mobile device
Not using the app? Watch this video on how to join from your mobile device without having to download the app.
Prepárese para la clase:
- Hoja Resumen de Google Meet
- Baje la aplicación Google Meet
- Aprenda cómo unirse a la clase usando una computadora o un dispositivo móvil sin tener que bajar la aplicación. Vea un video para consejos

Anytime Classes
WICHealth.org | You’ll need your 8-digit WIC family ID number and agency name (Multnomah County) to get started. Find this on the back of the card you use for shopping. Help logging in | Ayuda para iniciar sesión
Self-Paced Lessons | Take an online lesson. When you’re done, call or text to tell us which lesson you took and something you learned or will do differently. We will then issue benefits to your card.
- Choose a topic
- Watch the video(s)
- Follow any additional instructions listed below
When you’re done, call or text to tell us which topic you picked and something you learned or will do differently. We will then issue benefits to your card.
Getting Enough Iron
Obteniendo Suficiente Hierro | Как получить достаточное количество железа | الحصول على ما يكفي من الحديد | Bổ Sung Đủ Sắt | Отримання достатньої кількості заліза | Qaadashada Ayroon Kugu Filan | 攝入足夠的鐵元素 | دریافت آهن کافی | အီၣ်၀ဲဒၣ် IRON အထုးစီ လၢလၢပှဲၤပှဲၤ | သံဓာတ်လုံလောက်စွာရရှိခြင်း
Getting to Know Your Baby
Move Your Way
Watch the video, then create your personal activity plan. When you’re done, tell us one activity from your plan.
For more ideas, watch a video from this playlist»
Muévete a tu manera
Vea el video y luego haga un plan de actividades. Para mas ideas»
Diganos sus preguntas, que aprendio, una actividad que agrego a su planificador y le agregamos sus beneficios.
How to Make Baby Food
Watch the video, then read this handout: Food for Your Baby (PDF)
WIC Kitchen
Watch 2 videos:
Food Hero Cooking Show at Home
Watch a video from this playlist»