WIC is a public health nutrition program for women, infants and children. We help families get healthy foods they need for good growth and development.
- Nutrition education classes
- Breastfeeding promotion and support
- Breast pumps (in certain circumstances)
- Monthly vouchers for certain healthy foods
- Information and referral about other health programs and social services
How WIC helps
- Women on the WIC program eat better, have healthier babies and receive earlier prenatal care.
- Infants born to WIC mothers weigh more and grow and develop better.
- Children on WIC eat foods with more iron and vitamin C, visit their doctors more regularly and receive their shots on time.
How long you can get WIC
- Pregnant women can get WIC throughout pregnancy, plus 2 months after delivery.
- Breastfeeding women can get WIC for up to 1 year after delivery.
- Women who have just given birth but are not breastfeeding can get WIC until 6 months after delivery.
- Children are evaluated every 6 months for continued eligibility and can get WIC until 5 years of age.
Contact Us
Multnomah County WIC
Monday-Friday, 8am-5pm