Pay Property Taxes by Mail

Instructions to pay your property taxes by mail.

What you need to know to pay by mail

  • Make your check or money order payable to Multnomah County Tax Collector.
  • Do not send cash.
  • Two-party checks are not accepted.
  • Write your account number(s) (property ID) on the front of your check or money order to ensure proper credit.
  • Return the lower portion of your tax statement(s) with your payment.
  • Your canceled check is your receipt.

Mailing address

Multnomah County Tax Collector
PO Box 2716
Portland, OR 97208-2716

On-time reminder

Mail your payment early enough to be postmarked on or before the due date.

  • Mail deposited in USPS collection boxes or at branch offices on the due date may not be postmarked on time.
  • If payments are postmarked after the due date, discounts cannot be allowed and interest will be charged.
Last reviewed May 3, 2023