LPSCC Executive Committee convenes the second Monday of the month from 1:30-3pm. We are currently meeting virtually and login information will be posted below prior to the meeting. These are public meetings.
Agendas and materials for each meeting are linked below when they become available. The recorded meeting will be posted by the end of the week.
For questions, please contact Christina Youssi
2020 Meetings (subject to change)
No January Meeting
No March Meeting
April 13, 2020--Virtual Meeting.
No May Meeting
No July Meeting
No September Meeting
No November Meeting
February 10, 2020
The February LPSCC Executive Committee included updates and information about Body Worn Camera implementation, a recap of the What Works in Public Safety event, updates around community engagement, and information about a fines and fees grant.
April 13, 2020
The April LPSCC Executive Committee meeting took place via Webex. Dr. Jennifer Vines and Rachel Banks provided public health COVID-19 briefing for LPSCC Executive Committee members.
View the recorded meeting
Password: SmMevph5
June 8, 2020
The June meeting agenda was dedicated to updates from the local adult justice system leadership around current events.
August 10, 2020
At the August meeting, we heard from Multnomah Youth Commission, Word is Bond, and Youth Educating Police.
Watch here
October 12, 2020
At the October meeting, Criminal Justice agencies/departments shared their priorities for racial and social justice.
Watch here
December 14, 2020
Most of the December meeting was spent learning about and asking questions of Territory, the firm selected through a competitive RFP procurement process to usher and facilitate our work toward a more just criminal legal system.
Watch here