What is an industrial site?

An industrial site is a facility involved in the manufacturing of a product, where value is added to raw goods to produce added value. Such facilities comprise an economic unit that often includes multiple accounts such as land, buildings, leasehold or process improvements, fixed machinery & equipment, and personal property. Examples of industrial sites may include, but are not limited to, metal- or woodworking, food processing, petroleum products storage and distribution, and commercial printing facilities. (OAR 150-306-0100)
Industrial companies will need to file RP (Real Property) forms for their affixed machinery & equipment, and CPPR (Confidential Personal Property) forms for their moveable personal property and moveable machinery & equipment. Machinery & equipment that is considered real property is generally defined by Oregon’s Administrative Rule 150-307-0010. Large pieces of equipment that are “Erected upon” or “Affixed to” the property is considered real property and must be reported on the RP form. This also includes equipment that is affixed by virtue of its own weight.
Moveable assets such as furniture, fixtures and equipment, smaller machinery and tools, etc. is considered personal property and should be reported on the CPPR form.
Options For Filing Your Return
If you were in business on January 1st, Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS 308.285 – 308.300) require that all industrial manufacturing businesses file annual RP forms for their machinery and equipment and CPPR forms for their personal property assets.
I am a first time Industrial property return filer in Multnomah County
I have filed an Industrial property return in Multnomah County before
I am buying or selling an Industrial business in Multnomah County
Taxpayer Assistance
Contact the industrial appraisal team at ind@multco.us to schedule an appointment to review your business assets and see if you qualify as an industrial site. You may also leave a voice message for the industrial appraisal team by calling 503.988.0037