Public Health and Civic Literacy Academy

The Public Health & Civic Literacy Academy (PHCLA) is a free, extracurricular program organized by REACH and Building Blocks 2 Success that teaches public policy to high school students ages 13-17.

The Public Health & Civic Literacy Academy (PHCLA) is a free, extracurricular program for high school students. The PHCLA is a partnership between Multnomah County Racial and Ethnic Approaches to Community Health (REACH) and Building Blocks 2 Success. The PHCLA is a one-year commitment for enrolled high school students (freshmen, sophomores, and juniors) between the ages of 13 and 17 who attend high school in Multnomah County. The program was first piloted for 2023-2024 school year.

The PHCLA “is designed to train youth as community investigators to conduct research projects on their chosen topics. Participants will interact with local decision-makers, public health professionals, and academic researchers” (Building Blocks 2 Success). This initiative helps students learn how to  make change in their communities at the policy level.

Participants have the opportunity to…

Learn about health equity challenges and potential policy solutions 
Conduct their own public health research project
Participate in a college campus visit and field trips
Receive mentorship from public health professionals and  college professors 
Eat delicious, locally-sourced and culturally-relevant foods 
Receive $30 per hour compensation 
Receive a certificate of completion from the Multnomah  County Health Department’s REACH program


Must live or attend school within Multnomah County (including the following school districts: Centennial, Corbett, David Douglas, Gresham-Barlow, Parkrose, Portland Public, Reynolds, Riverdale)
Be between the ages of 13 and 17, in high school (freshman, sophomore, juniors; no seniors)
Be prepared to make a 1-year commitment
Provide own transportation (free TriMet passes available)
Must have parental/guardian consent and signature
Interested in community health or public policy

For more detailed information and to apply, visit Building Blocks 2 Success PHCLA page.

Last reviewed March 5, 2025