Being a family caregiver can be stressful, and finding support can be difficult. The Family Caregiver Support Program can provide Options Counseling and money for family caregivers.
Who is Eligible
The Family Caregiver Support Program offers services that can take some of the burdens off of unpaid caregivers caring for someone
- age 60 or older
- any age with Alzheimer's or a related disease
- age 55 and older who are raising a child, age 18 and younger, who is related to them
- age 55 or older, including parents, who are caring for an adult with a disability age 18-59

What are the Benefits
Relief funds are available to pay for in-home respite, adult day programs, or a variety of supplemental services for eligible caregivers.
You can read a detailed description of all funds available or call our 24/7 helpline at 503-988-3646 to see what fits your needs.
How to Apply
Options Counselors assist family caregivers to apply for Family Caregiver Support Program relief funds. To get connected to an Options Counselor contact the Aging and Disability Resource Connection (ADRC) Helpline at 503-988-3646 or email
Program Information
Request edits to this website or the partner DC/EE roster, or ask about partner calendar events through this Google Form.
Partners and providers only: If you need further assistance or are unable to locate a resource, please fill out this web form.