The Preschool for All family application for the 2024-25 school year is open!

We have reopened the 2024-25 Preschool for All family application. Our primary application period happened last spring, and the majority of Preschool for All seats are filled for the upcoming 2024-25 school year. New applications will likely be placed on waitlists for the programs each family chooses on their application. Only families who did not apply in the spring should apply now. 

How do I apply?

  • Applications for the 2024-25 school year will be accepted online:
  • If you have questions about your application, want to add or update preschool choices, or need technical support with the online application, you can contact the PFA Application & Enrollment Team at or call 503-988-7818.
  • If you are unable to submit an online application and need help applying, you can find a list of Family Navigators who can assist you in submitting an application.

Apply to join the PFA Advisory Committee by September 30!

We're accepting applications from community members interested in joining the Preschool for All Advisory Committee. More details about the opportunity can be found on this page.

The Preschool for All Pilot Site application is open through September 30.  

Interested Multnomah County Providers can apply to be a PFA Pilot Site. The current application is for the 2025-2026 program year for slots that begin September 2025. Click here to learn more about applying!

What is Preschool for All? 

Voters in Multnomah County overwhelmingly supported “Preschool for All” on November 3rd, 2020, with 64 percent of voters approving the measure to extend early education to children across the County. Measure 26-214 directed the Department of County Human Services to administer the program. 

Preschool for All (PFA) connects 3- and 4-year-olds in Multnomah County to free, culturally responsive, inclusive preschool experiences. The program will grow over time, increasing the number of children and families that it serves each year.

Need to reach us?

Call: 503-988-1280

For questions about the family application or technical support with the online application
Call: 503-988-7818 

Follow us on Facebook and Instagram!

Check Eligibility for 2024-25 School Year

Use this form if you are unsure about your child's eligibility.