What is Preschool for All?
Preschool for All came from a two-year community planning process where more than 100 people came together to create a vision for Multnomah County children and their families. Voters in Multnomah County overwhelmingly supported the Preschool for All ballot measure on November 3, 2020, with 64 percent of voters approving the measure. Measure 26-214 directed the Department of County Human Services to administer the program.
Preschool for All (PFA) connects 3- and 4-year-olds in Multnomah County to free, culturally responsive, inclusive preschool experiences. From the beginning, the program was designed to grow over time, increasing the number of children and families that it serves each year. In 2030, all interested families in Multnomah County will have access to free preschool.
Preschool for All Plan & Community Engagement
The Preschool for All Plan reflects two years of community engagement and planning. The plan was released in July 2020 and is the framework for program implementation.
You can learn more about the history of Preschool for All and its development through these resources:
Executive Summary, Multnomah County Preschool for All: Pathways to Success
Full Report, Multnomah County Preschool for All: Pathways to Success
Infographic, A Pathway to Success, Developing the Preschool for All Policy
Video: Preschool for All Policy Making
Multnomah County’s Preschool for All has been recognized nationally for the unique and robust community process that led to the ballot measure. These publications include highlights about Preschool for All planning:
Last Vote to First Dollar Toolkit | Policy and Program Design, Children’s Funding Project
Participatory Planning to Build Stronger Early Childhood Policy and Programs, New America
Learn more about PFA History on this page
The Preschool & Early Learning Division
Preschool for All is implemented by the Preschool & Early Learning Division (PEL) in Multnomah County’s Department of County Human Services. PEL was established in 2021 in order to implement Preschool for All. You can learn more about the Department of County Human Services here.