Preschool for All Plan & Community Engagement
Preschool for All Plan
(1.04 MB)
Additional Resources
- Parent & Provider Focus Groups: With support from Meyer Memorial Trust, Preschool for All partnered with SeeChange to gather more information from families and preschool providers. In the summer of 2020, SeeChange conducted 24 culturally- and linguistically-responsive focus groups and interviews. 71 providers and nearly 100 parents participated in the process. The DocumentPFA Focus Group Report (1.59 MB)
- Preschool for All Task Force: The Preschool for All Plan built on the work of the Preschool for All Task Force. The PFA Task Force met from September 2018 though July 2019. The Task Force vision was that every child in Multnomah County should be able to attend a preschool that is right for them and every family should be able to afford it. The DocumentPreschool for All Report (3.77 MB)
- Early Learning Multnomah Parent Accountability Council: ELM Preschool Vision was developed in 2016 by parents and community members and led by Early Learning Multnomah (ELM). The vision set the direction for Preschool for All. The ELM Parent Accountability Council played a key role in the creation of the vision and continues to be central to the Preschool for All initiative.
The following documents give additional history on Preschool for All and its development. This work, led by Social Venture Partners, strives to reflect how the PFA coalition successfully passed a ballot measure and set of policies centered on racial equity and community voice.
PFA Executive Summary
(1.12 MB)
PFA History Full Report
(557.96 KB)
PFA History Infographic
(14.97 MB)