Our community believes that all families in Multnomah County should have access to free early education. Preschool for All (PFA) is creating a new early learning system and we want you to be a part of it!
In 2030, there will be enough publicly funded preschool seats for all interested families in Multnomah County. We estimate that this will include 11,000 Preschool for All seats.
Preschool for All is a mixed-delivery system, which means that families can choose the type of preschool setting that is right for their child. That includes Family Child Care, Schools, and Child Care Centers. Providers in these different settings follow the same expectations and receive the same funding.

Joining Preschool For All
There are many benefits for providers joining Preschool for All, including:
- Stable funding to increase teacher and assistant wages
- Coaching and professional development opportunities
- Funding to support pay equity for your infant and toddler teaching staff
- Resources to support the inclusion of children with developmental delays and disabilities
- Access to funding to improve or expand your facility
Becoming part of Preschool for All may mean changes for your program. These changes might include:
- Being responsive to a large number of interested families when the Preschool for All is open in the spring
- Welcoming all families that apply for and are matched with your program
- Serving children who have a wide-range of behaviors and needs
- Working closely with partners, such as the Multnomah Early Childhood Program and Child Care Resource and Referral, and welcoming them into your facility
- Providing free meals and snacks to children
- Communicating frequently with Preschool & Early Learning Division staff and other key partners via email and phone
We encourage you to learn more about Preschool for All by exploring the information on our website. If you have additional questions that aren’t answered here, please email preschoolforall@multco.us.
Preschool for All has two ways for providers to get involved: as a Pilot Site or the Pathways Program.
Pilot Sites
Pilot Sites have contracted Preschool for All slots. Interested providers must meet the Pilot Site requirements or have a clear plan to meet the requirements to apply. Pilot sites help Preschool For All learn and finalize program details, and should be ready to be flexible and to share their input to strengthen Preschool for All.
Pilot Site Requirements
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - English
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - Spanish
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - Russian
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - Vietnamese
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - Traditional Chinese
2024 PFA Pilot Site Requirements - Arabic
Learn more on the Pilot Site page!
Pathways Program
The Pathways Program is designed to help providers who want to apply for Preschool For All, but do not meet Pilot Site requirements. Providers in the Pathways Program do not receive contracted seats or the same benefits as Pilot Sites.
Pathways helps your program meet the requirements. Providers join a cohort and work with a CCR&R Pathways Coordinator to achieve milestones and improve their early learning setting.
Eligibility & Timeline
All licensed and recorded preschool providers in Multnomah County are eligible to apply for the Pathways Program. If you have completed your licensing inspection, we encourage you to apply as well. There is no deadline for applications to be submitted, providers can apply at any time.