For Families | Preschool for All

Applying for a Preschool for All seat, choosing a provider, family FAQs and more.

Family Application Status

Family at preschool graduation

The Preschool for All family application for the 2024-25 school year is now closed. Sign up here to be notified when the 2025-26 school year application opens!

If you are looking for a preschool placement for the 2024-25 school year, please view our Other Preschool & Child Care Resources page for resources and additional preschool options. 

The Preschool for All application for the 2025-26 school year will be opening in the spring. Sign up here to be notified when the application opens. 

If your child is currently enrolled in a PFA seat for the 2024-25 school year and will be 4 years old on September 1, 2025, you do not need to apply again. 

Our Frequently Asked Questions include more information about the application process. If you need assistance, you can request help from a Family Navigator during the application process. 

In the meantime, we encourage families planning to apply for the 2025-26 school year to research preschool options and sites to determine which locations might be a good  fit for your family. More sites will be added when the 2025-26 family application opens. Learn more about choosing a preschool here

Preschool for All Information for Families

On November 3rd, 2020 voters in Multnomah County overwhelmingly supported the Preschool for All ballot measure. Preschool for All (PFA) connects families in Multnomah County to free, inclusive, culturally responsive early education.

Preschool for All began with 728 preschool seats in the 2022-23 year and now has over 2,200 seats for the 2024-25 year. The program will continue to grow over time, increasing the number of providers and families, until there is a free preschool seat available to all interested Multnomah County families in 2030.

We are excited that you are considering preschool programs available through Preschool for All for your child. We know that choosing the right preschool is an important decision. 


There are just two eligibility requirements to participate. Children must:

  1. Be 3 or 4 years old on or before September 1 of the preschool year, and
  2. Have a parent or legal guardian living in Multnomah County

There are no income eligibility requirements for Preschool for All.

Children who currently have the least access to high-quality early learning experiences are prioritized in our outreach and application processes. 

Choosing a Preschool

It is important to research your preschool options and to choose programs that will work well for you and your child. Families can choose up to six preschools on their application and will only be matched with the sites on their list. We highly encourage families to visit preschool sites before including them on their application. 

You can find more detailed information about choosing a preschool in our application portal.

When considering preschool options that meet your needs, please keep in mind that all partnering programs use a curriculum that aligns with the Oregon Early Learning and Kindergarten Guidelines and employ staff who are committed to professional development and receive ongoing support. In addition, our preschool partners have agreed to:

  • Create an environment of safety, trust, and belonging for all children and families, with a specific focus on the experiences of Black, Indigenous, and Families of Color
  • Follow Preschool for All’s policy of no suspensions or expulsions of children
  • Fully include children with disabilities and/or special health needs
  • Pay staff competitive wages and provide staff benefits
  • Be licensed by the State of Oregon Office of Child Care (when required)

More information and a searchable map of Preschool for All locations can be found on our application portal

Two Preschool for All partners are not included in the PFA application portal and have separate application processes. Families that are interested in preschool at Portland Public Schools or KairosPDX should apply directly with those organizations. 

You can also download a full list of Preschool for All locations.

Last reviewed January 28, 2025
Check Eligibility for 2025-26 School Year

Use this form if you are unsure about your child's eligibility.