Family Application Status
The Preschool for All family application for the 2024-25 school year is open again for those who did not apply during the spring application window!!
The majority of Preschool for All seats are filled for the upcoming 2024-25 school year, and any new applications will likely be placed on waitlists for the programs each family chooses on their application. We will only contact you if we are able to offer your child a placement in one of our programs, but you may log in to your account at any time after submitting to view the status of your application. Visit to apply! You can also request help from a Family Navigator in the application process.
Please consider that there are a limited number of seats currently available at some locations for the 2024-25 school year (This list will be updated regularly). You may submit a new application for any participating PFA program. However, you may want to prioritize programs with current openings for 2024-25 on your application. Placements are not guaranteed and are dependent on the number of applicants and seats available.
Be sure to take the time to learn more about your preschool choices! In the application, you will be asked to choose and rank in your order of preference up to 6 participating preschool programs. Our Frequently Asked Questions include more information about the application process.
Preschool for All: FAQs

Who is eligible for Preschool for All and when can I sign up my child?
There are just two eligibility requirements to participate: children must be 3 or 4 years old by September 1 and have a parent or legal guardian living in Multnomah County.
The 2023-24 family application for the Preschool for All waitlist slots is currently open.
When will Preschool for All be available to all families in Multnomah County?
The number of Preschool for All seats will grow over time, increasing the number of providers and families, until the system is universally available in 2030. As Preschool for All builds to full capacity, children who currently have the least access to early learning will be prioritized in the outreach and application processes. Children whose families experience barriers accessing preschool include:
- Black, Brown, Native American Indigenous, and all Children of Color;
- children who speak languages other than English;
- children with developmental delays and disabilities;
- children living in or at risk of placement in foster care;
- children from families experiencing low incomes; and
- children experiencing homelessness.
How will the number of children in Preschool for All increase over time?
During the 2022-23 year, there were approximately 700 Preschool for All slots. This exceeded our original goal of 500 slots. There are almost 1400 Preschool for All slots for the 2023-24 preschool year. The number of Preschool for All slots will grow each year, until the program reaches universal access in 2030.
What types of preschool programs are included in Preschool for All?
It is important that families get to choose the type of preschool experience that they want for their child. Preschool for All includes center-based preschool, home-based preschools, preschools in schools, and Head Starts.
I’m a Preschool Provider, how do I participate?
There are two ways for preschool providers to participate in Preschool for All:
- In the Pathways Program, providers partner with Preschool for All to receive coaching and support. The Pathways Program helps providers get ready to apply for PFA seats. Providers can apply to join the Pathways Program now.
- Providers can also apply for Preschool for All seats as a Pilot Site. The number of Preschool for All providers will grow each year as the number of slots increases.
How is Preschool for All funded?
Preschool for All is funded with a marginal personal income tax on the highest income earners who live or work in Multnomah County. This includes individuals with Oregon taxable income over $125,000 and for joint filers with Oregon taxable income over $200,000. Please visit this page for more detailed information for taxpayers and employers.
I’d like to be on the Preschool for All Advisory Committee. How do I apply?
Committee members are appointed by the Multnomah County Chair and serve two-year terms. Please visit the Advisory Committee webpage to learn more.
How do I apply for a position with Preschool for All?
Please visit the Multnomah County jobs site to learn more about available employment opportunities.
How do I learn more about Preschool for All and implementation plans?
Please see the Preschool for All Plan.
I have additional questions, who should I contact?
Please email and we will respond as soon as possible.