Housing Search Tools & Strategies for Overcoming Barriers to Housing

Housing Search Tools


Before beginning your housing search, it is helpful to make sure you have all the documentation you will need
to apply for housing. You will likely need the following documents:

  • Valid Photo ID
    • Get an Oregon ID (created by NW Pilot Project)
    • Free ID for People Experiencing Homeless - visit Transition Project's front desk (650 NE Irving St.) to request a Declaration of Homelessness form needed to apply for a free ID Card from the DMV.  
  • Social Security Card
  • Birth certificate or passport or immigration documentation
  • Verification of your income and assets
  • Letters of Support: Submit with the application 3rd party letters of support from agencies working with the tenant that can attest to positive steps taken to address negative legal history.
  • Service/Emotional Support Animal documentation (if applicable). These are obtained from a medical professional.

You will also need information about your prior housing, including the addresses of the places you lived for the last three years; the dates you lived there; and your managers’ names, addresses, and phone numbers.

Before you submit your application, you can review the screening criteria for each building to make sure you are eligible. The screening criteria explain the specific requirements for living at each property, and include guidelines for approval or denial of your application based on landlord references, eviction history, credit history, and criminal history. It is a good idea to run your credit report so you are aware of any debts that may be a barrier to being approved by a rental screening company. You can google "free credit report" to find free resources to run your credit report.

Once you locate an available apartment, you will typically need to pay an application fee at the time you submit your application. The application fee is generally between $30 and $50 for each applicant. If your application is denied, you have the right to find out why and to request reconsideration if the reason is based on incorrect information or circumstances that have changed.

Landlord Engagement for Case Managers and Housing Support Staff:

  • Introduce yourself to the property manager, provide contact information, and inform them of your role as a housing case manager or housing navigator at the beginning of tenancy.
  • Reach out to property management on a regular basis during a participant’s tenancy, once per month is great! Requesting a ledger or just checking in are great ways to build rapport and help property managers understand you are there to help!
  • If an uncurable eviction is filed, request a lease break and ask if the lease break fee can be waived. This can prevent an eviction from going on the participant’s record!

Strategies for Tenants with Negative Criminal, Credit or Rental History

Reasonable Accommodation Letters: If the applicant has a disability (being in substance abuse recovery is considered a disability by the American's with Disability Act) and the disability is connected to negative legal history, requesting a reasonable accommodation can help overturn a denial. Refer to our Housing Legal Resources webpage for more information about writing Reasonable Accommodations. It's important to address the exact legal history reasons why they were denied (address each specifically - ex. criminal, credit etc.), explain what happened and how it connects to their disability. Then explain what is different now and what the plan is to address any ongoing issues related to the barriers. Providing supporting documentation is important if possible (ex. letter of support from probation office, case worker, therapist, employer, teacher; certification of treatment, training completed; statement from applicant). Landlords can also request verification of disability.

Tools and other resources:

  • - this handbook provides information to people with criminal histories about their housing rights.

  • City of Portland Low Barrier Screening - applicants can request a low barrier screening. Click here to access the City of Portland Pamphlet that further explains the process.
  • Fair Housing Council of Oregon's - Moving Forward with a Past - ENGLISH / Moving Forward with a Past - SPANISH :A guide to help people with criminal histories to know their housing rights and responsibilities while looking for housing
  • Rent Well tenant education program - please refer to our IDD Housing Resource guide webpage for more information in our Tenant Education & Advocacy section.
  • Community Alliance of Tenants (CAT) - Have You Been Denied Housing? CAT has a very robust Know Your Rights website which has a great deal of information related to all aspects of renting properties.
  • Northwest Pilot Project's - 

  • Free on the Outside - May be a resource for those with sex offenses or arson in their legal history.
  • Transcending Hope - Nonprofit organization built by people who are either in recovery or have been touched by addiction and recovery. They offer safe, stable Recovery housing in Washington and Clackamas Counties.
  • Pine Street Recovery Housing Oregon - Shared housing, bed provided, couples and kids welcome. Sober environment for people in recovery. $300 one time membership fee + $300 monthly rent. Currently 5 homes. (updated 10/2023)
  • Stark Firs Management - Low Barrier property manager. Large housing inventory in the East Multnomah County area. Rental Criteria for Residency.
  • Easement Homes - Shared sober living housing provider in Portland and surrounding areas (include cable, phone, laundry). Accommodate ex-offenders, parolees, NHMR. 24/7 support from trained staff, life skills training/workshops, drug & alcohol testing. Contact 503-421-1353 or easementhomes@gmail.com.

Central City Concern Housing

Call 503-525-8483 or click the link above for CCC housing information including specific properties and status of waitlist and types of housing (they have over 2200 units). CCC offers a variety of affordable housing options across the Portland Metro area. They offer a wide range of housing based on the Housing First model: low-barrier housing; alcohol and drug free housing; housing for people struggling with mental health challenges.

  • Starlight at Central City Concern - May accept sex offenders on a case by case basis.

Community Visions Housing Access Program (*Update 7/8/24, CVI will reopen their wait list for this program on July 15th, 2024)

Community Vision’s Housing Access Program provides customized, one-on-one assistance and support for individuals and families looking to rent their own home. They meet with you, learn about your situation, work with you to identify what you might need before you’re ready to move into your own rental home, prepare you to become a great tenant, and help you apply to rental units that meet your specific needs.


  • Income of at least $1,200/month. If the household has a subsidized housing voucher, we accept that in lieu of the income requirement.
    • This amount can include monetary support from family, friends, and/or guardians
  • You must have a disability that qualifies you for Developmental Disabilities Services or Aging, Disability, and Veteran Services
  • Live in, and are searching for, housing in the Tri-County area (Multnomah, Clackamas, and Washington counties)

How to refer someone for services? Click here and complete the online referral form.

Contact: Tova Hershman, Affordable Housing Associate, (503) 292-4964 x 126; thershman@cvision.org

Transitional Housing

New Avenues For Youth

Butterfly House: transitional housing program for 18+25 who have been sex trafficked. You can find out more and submit to the housing interest lists for their programs here: https://newavenues.org/housing-and-shelter/. And more about their New Day program that works with ages 12-25 who have been sex trafficked or exploited: https://newavenues.org/new-day/

New Narrative (previously Luke Dorf)

Our transitional housing sites aim to provide a safe and comfortable community as our participants figure out the next steps on their housing journey. These locations include onsite staffing with a focus on developing the resources, skills, knowledge, and planning needed to achieve the desired independent housing outcomes. Thier program also offers permanent supportive housing and independent housing. Washington and Multnomah Counties manage screening for housing placement. Please call us at (503) 726-3742 and we will work with you to determine who to contact.

  • Bridgeview Transitional Housing - 503-597-3930.
    • Eligibility Criteria:
      • Diagnosis of severe mental illness with primary thought or mood disorder, and symptoms are not primarily due to substance use;
      • Currently houseless or at imminent risk of houselessness;
      • OHP or MTF eligible;
      • Ability to independently complete Activities of Daily Living.

Community Development Corporations

Community development corporations (CDCs) are 501(c)(3) non-profit organizations that are created to support and revitalize communities, especially those that are impoverished or struggling. CDCs often deal with the development of affordable housing. They can also be involved in a wide range of community services that meet local needs such as education, job training, healthcare, commercial development, and other social programs. Below is a list of CDC's providing affordable housing in Multnomah County.


This is a new website that allows you to search and apply for vacancies for any participating buildings. If you register, you can complete one application and pay one application fee for all participating properties, and OneApp Oregon will show you vacancies that you qualify to rent. You can also use the search feature of the website to locate vacancies without registering. To start, go to OneAppOregon.com The rents typically start at $700/month on this website. More about how it works.

One App Guarantee Program: OneApp Guarantee is a co-signer for applicants that experience barriers when looking for housing.

City of Portland Resources for Landlords and Tenants

Portland Housing Bureau - affordable housing developments that are currently being built or planned for completion within the next few years.

Shared Housing

Home Share Oregon(HSO) - is a nonprofit that connects homeowners who have a spare bedroom to rent and home seekers in need of affordable housing. Using thoughtful, secure and personalized processes and technology, Home Share Oregon is your one-stop-shop for finding a compatible roommate that fits your specific homesharing preferences. Services include back ground checks on both parties, matching services and all services are free of charge. 


Oxford House - Shared clean and sober housing. Vacancy list from national database

Pine Street Recovery Housing Oregon - Shared housing, bed provided, couples and kids welcome. Sober environment for people in recovery. $300 one time membership fee + $300 monthly rent. Currently 5 homes. (updated 10/2023)

Sober Housing Programs

Housing Search Tools through Other Community Agencies

NW Pilot Project - NWPP helps connect low-income and very low-income seniors (55 and over) in Multnomah County who are capable of independent living with rental housing that is safe, permanent and affordable to them.


NWPP'S Online Housing Assessment

The search for affordable housing is confusing, and it can be difficult to know where to begin. Northwest Pilot Project designed an online housing assessment to give you a starting place for your housing search. The assessment takes approximately 15 minutes to complete.

At the end of the assessment, you can view your personalized Housing Report. The Housing Report will include housing lists and resources to help with your housing search. It will show up as a separate document in a new computer window, and will need to be saved on your computer or printed. You will also have the opportunity to register for the online assessment using your email address, which allows you to save your Housing Report online.


Other Housing Search Tools provided by NW Pilot Project

Resources for Pregnant Women and Families with Children

  • My Father's House - 503-492-3046; My Father’s House provides shelter for up to 28 families in individual, self-contained units that include kitchenettes and private baths. We provide space for classes and childcare, as well as worship in an in-house chapel. Building strong family foundations is encouraged through individual, couple and family counseling and life issues classes which include: renter education training, parenting skills, substance abuse, anger management, sexual addiction, developing a balanced sense of self, and domestic violence. Since many of our residents are single mothers we address their unique needs as necessary.
  • Shepherds Door - 12 month residential program consisting of addiction recover, life skills training, and spiritual renewal. Hot meals 3 times a day. Access to a workout facility, garden, lounge room, computer lab, clothes boutique, job and independent living training. The option to stay for another year, work for the Mission, and gain valuable experience.
  • Project Nurture - Project Nurture provides prenatal care, inpatient maternity care, and postpartum care for women who struggle with addictions as well as pediatric care for their infants. Women enrolled in Project Nurture receive outpatient addiction treatment by certified alcohol and drug counselors (CADCs) and receive Medications for Opioid Use Disorder (MOUD), including methadone or buprenorphine, alongside their pregnancy care. This program provides comprehensive evidence-based care both for both the pregnancy and addiction, improving maternal and infant outcomes.
  • Catholic Charities - Our Homeless Services team removes barriers to finding permanent housing and wraps clients in a suite of supportive services as they work to re-establish their stability and independence. We offer case management, employment assistance, housing, drop-in services, community outreach, and more. Through our Kenton Women’s Village, Housing Transitions Program, and Street Outreach team, we give those experiencing houselessness the comprehensive support and resources they need to move forward and thrive. Family Services - provide an array of counseling and parental supportive services, case management, and support for those who have experienced trauma. Adoption services.
  • Lifeline Connections - has a Pregnant and Parenting Women’s program with up to a six month stay that accepts patients on OHP. Email admissions@lifelineconnections.org.
  • Insights Teen Parent Services - Insights Young Parent Services is one of the few organizations in the country devoted exclusively to the needs of parenting adolescents and their children. Their housing programs offer housing assistance and intensive case management for houseless young birthing parents aged 20 and under at entry. The Housing Assistance to Pregnant and Parenting Youth (HAPPY) program provides short term rental assistance for young parents up to 22. Visit their website for information on others programs and services available through Insights Teen Parent program.


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Last reviewed November 27, 2024