Voting: Follow These Six Steps
1. Register to vote online, or with a paper registration form.
2. You will receive a Voter Notification Card (VNC) through the mail. The Voter Notification Card confirms your registration and includes your name, residence address, precinct number, political party, and voting district.

3. The Voters' Pamphlet is mailed to your home four weeks before Election Day. Voters' Pamphlets have both state and county information on measure, candidates and other informational resources for each election.
4. Receive your Ballot by mail. Twenty days before each election a Ballot is automatically sent to all registered voters who are eligible to vote in that election. You can vote and return your Ballot anytime after you receive it. If you do not receive your Ballot contact the Elections Division.
5. Vote your Ballot. Completely fill in the oval next to your choices with a blue or black pen. If you make a mistake or change your mind while marking your Ballot you can request a replacement Ballot from the Elections Division or you can make your changes on the Ballot. Make your new choice clear so that election workers inspecting the Ballot can easily understand your choice. You do not have to vote in every race and remember to contact the Elections Division if you need a new Ballot for any reason.
6. Return your Ballot. After marking your Ballot place it in the ballot return envelope.
Read the Voter's Statement on the ballot return envelope and sign it inside the signature box. Your Ballot cannot be counted if the ballot return envelope is not signed. Every signature is checked against the registration signature on file and must match for the Ballot to be counted.
Turn in your Ballot by mail using the postage-paid return envelope on or before Election Day; or
Return your Ballot to an Official Ballot Drop Site no later than 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Ballots returned by mail must be postmarked on or before Election Day in order to count.