Beaverton School District - Measure No. 34-22




QUESTION: Is Beaverton School District 48J authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $149,780,000 to expand and approve its facilities? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of sections 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: If approved, this measure provides funds for capital construction and improvements including: adding classroom space to keep pace with enrollment growth, renovating and improving existing facilities, making site improvements, and purchasing land for future use. Specifically, this measure would:

• Construct and furnish two elementary schools and one middle school addition to relieve overcrowding in the elementary and middle schools.

• Renovate, upgrade and expand existing buildings to support the educational program and protect the community’s investment in these facilities. Funds are expected to allow the following:

• Construct, furnish, and renovate classrooms and related educational facilities at many existing elementary, middle and Aloha, Sunset and Westview High Schools.

• Upgrade electrical wiring and improve student access to technology.

• Replace leaking roofs, outdated heating, ventilation, plumbing systems and make other health and safety improvements.

• Replace portable buildings and expand support facilities.

• Purchase land for future school building use and make site improvements.

• Pay associated building and issuance costs.

Bonds would mature in 21 years or less from


This is the same bond measure that was on the May ballot that did not pass because the 50% voter turnout requirement was not met.

Bond authorization and estimated property tax rate

The principal amount of bonds issued will not exceed $149,780,000. The estimated average property tax rate to pay for these bonds is expected to be less than $0.97 per $1,000 assessed value per year over the life of the debt service on these bonds, using the current method of calculating property taxes in Oregon.

Proceeds from this bond measure would help Beaverton Schools to:

• Relieve overcrowding and maintain quality education,

• Protect the community's investment in schools,

• Keep pace with growth,

• Secure scarce land for future needs.

Voter approval of the bond measure would permit Beaverton Schools to:

Relieve overcrowding and maintain quality education

• Build two new elementary schools and one new middle school to address overcrowding for district elementary and middle school students.

• Add additional classrooms and related educational space at many existing elementary and middle schools and Aloha, Sunset and Westview High Schools to keep pace with rapidly increasing enrollment and maintain quality education.

• Purchase land for future construction of facilities.

Protect the community's investment in schools

• Renovate, expand and improve the district's existing elementary, middle and high schools and other facilities. These improvements would include capital roofing improvements, upgrading security and fire alarm systems, electrical wiring, lighting, plumbing, heating and ventilation systems.

• Replace or upgrade existing portable buildings and support facilities to provide permanent structures and more cost-effective services necessary for the delivery of educational programs.

Keep pace with growth

Beaverton School District is one of the fastest growing school districts in the State. More classrooms are needed to keep pace with this rapid student enrollment growth.

This bond measure would build two elementary schools and a new middle school facility addition. It would also add classrooms and related education facilities at many existing elementary schools, middle schools, and high schools. Improvements at existing buildings are expected to include computer and science labs, library space, new kitchens and cafeterias.

Secure scarce land for future needs

This bond measure would provide funding to purchase increasingly scarce land now for future construction. Purchasing land now would help the District lock in land prices before they become prohibitive.

Prices for land within the District have increased from $4,443 per acre in 1971 when the District purchased land for Southridge High School to an estimated $200,000 to $300,000 per acre for property with the Urban Growth Boundary and to an estimated $100,000 per acre outside the growth boundary.

Submitted by
Sherre Calouri
School Board Chair

No arguments FOR or AGAINST this measure were filed.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023