Centennial School District - Measure No. 26-4




QUESTION: Shall Centennial School District be authorized to issue general obligation bonds not exceeding $31,000,000 to expand and improve its facilities? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of Section 11 and 11b, Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: This measure may be passed only at an election with at least a 50 percent voter turnout.

If approved, this measure provides funds to add classroom space to keep pace with student enrollment growth and renovate and expand Centennial High School's aging facilities. Specifically, this measure will:

• Construct, equip and furnish a new elementary school building to house up to 600 students and relieve overcrowding in the district's other elementary schools

• Renovate and expand the high school to protect the community investment in that facility and extend the life of the school at least an additional 30 years. Improvements will:

• Upgrade electrical wiring to improve student access to technology.

• Replace outdated heating, ventilation, plumbing systems and make other health and safety improvements.

• Construct, equip and furnish new classrooms

Bonds will mature in 20 years or less from the date of issuance and may be issued in one or more series.


Centennial School District faces a number of problems as a result of:

The proceeds from this bond measure will enable Centennial Schools to correct these problems.

Voter approval of the bond measure will permit Centennial Schools to:

Reduce crowding and protect our community's investment by
extending the life of Centennial High School.

• Renovate, expand and improve Centennial High School. The school was built in 1959 and the original part of the building has never been remodeled.

• Upgrade fire alarm, lighting, heating, ventilation and plumbing systems. These basic systems are not up to current codes or are inadequate for today's needs.

• Upgrade wiring to improve student access to technology and provide enough power for current needs. Computers, copy machines and other instructional technology now overtaxing the building's electrical systems did not exist when the high school was built.

• Add classrooms and instructional space to increase capacity by up to 400 students.

• Remodel current classroom and instructional areas including updating science labs.

• Increase safety by upgrading fire and life safety systems and improving traffic flow with a reconfigured entrance and a new traffic light at the Centennial High School entrance on 182nd St.

Build a new elementary school to reduce crowding

• Construction of a new 600-student elementary school on Butler Road will reduce crowding in existing elementary schools. All of the classrooms in our existing elementary schools are full and Lynch Meadows has four portable classrooms. More students are coming, about 1.8 percent per year.

• Construction of the new elementary school will be on land the district already owns. There is no money in the bond measure to purchase land.

The principal amount of the bond issue will not exceed $31 million. The term of the bond will not exceed 20 years from the date of issue.

The estimated cost of this bond is $1.56 per $1,000 of assessed value. Abond issue (costing approximately 47 cents per $1,000 of assessed value) was paid off in February so the actual net increase is estimated to be $1.09 per $1,000 of assessed value.

Submitted by
Keith E. Robinson,
Superintendent of Schools

No arguments AGAINST this measure were filed.


Measure 26-4



We need your YES vote on the Centennial School District's bond measure.

Our schools are overcrowded, and enrollment continues to grow. Classrooms are crowded at all of our schools and more kids are moving into our district. We are using portable units and moving kids to other schools to make room. A new elementary school will relieve overcrowding so children can attend school in their own neighborhoods.

Our high school is not only overcrowded-it is also 40 years old. If 60,000 teenagers used your kitchen, bathrooms and backyard over the course of 40 years, wouldn't you have some repairs to make? We all know that repairs become more necessary and more expensive as times goes by. Let's protect our community's investment in the high school by extending it's usefulness.

Our buildings are not fancy, but they are clean, well maintained, safe places where kids learn and prepare for their careers and lives as productive citizens. This bond directly benefits our students and our teachers by improving their educational environment.

The Centennial School District has acted to keep the bond amount reasonable. The amount has been much reduced from the amount requested 2 years ago and is further offset by a previous bond that was paid off in February of 2000.

We are all going to pay the taxes that we are asking you to pay. We are willing to ask you to support this bond only because we believe that most of you feel as we do: Centennial schools are the backbone of our community and the education of our kids is a critical investment!

We believe that the children are our future. Investing in our community's future is not only smart, but necessary. We need your YES vote!

Citizens for Centennial Schools:
Mike Salsgiver
Jody Bringhurst
Al Prilliman
Mary Scott
Rod Boettcher
Pam Burback
Ed Hanney
Michelle Winningham

(This information furnished by Michael Salsgiver and Jody Bringhurst, co-chairs Citizens For Centennial Schools)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument.


Measure 26-4


Vote Yes for Centennial Schools Bond Measure 26-4

It's about efficiency.
It's about safety.
It's about preserving the quality of education.
It's an investment in our community.

The Gresham Area and East Portland Chambers of Commerce Public Affairs Councils endorse the Centennial School District's bond measure. This measure addresses school and community safety issues plus educational commitment to children. A successful business community depends upon efficient, effective use of taxpayers' resources. Please support our schools with your vote.

We urge you to join us in voting YES to:

  • Renovate and expand Centennial High School to extend its life an additional 30 years.
    We believe that adding classrooms and upgrading the high school to extend its life 30 years or more is an efficient use of tax dollars and protects our community's investment in our schools.
  • Reduce overcrowding so Centennial's students get the best education we can give them.
    The bond would allow the community to build a new 600-student elementary school to make sure there is enough space for students in all elementary schools. Overcrowded schools hurt our kids' ability to learn.
  • Provide a strong learning environment to teach our kids well into the 21st century.
    With the strong support of Oregon's businesses the academic standards for our children are stronger and higher. We need to give our kids the tools they need to succeed in a highly competitive world.

As business owners, we understand the need to protect our investments. Our communities want to know our schools are safe. They want to know there is enough room for students and that the buildings are well maintained and up to today's standards for health and safety, technology, heating, ventilation, and plumbing.

Your support for Centennial's bond measure provides this assurance. That's why we support it, and it's why we urge you to join us in voting YES on Measure 26-4.

(This information furnished by Carol L. Nielsen - Hood, Gresham Area and East Portland Chambers of Commerce Public Affairs Councils)

The printing of this argument does not constitute an endorsement by Multnomah County, nor does the county warrant the accuracy or truth of any statements made in the argument.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023