Occupation: Legal Secretary, U.S. Attorney's Office, USDOJ
Occupational Background: Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Nationwide Insurance, Boyd Group Corporation, Arizona Public Service
Educational Background: Portland Community College, Dean's List, Legal Assistant Program ICS School, Paralegal/Legal Assistant Program
Prior Governmental Experience: Civil Rights & Western Legal Services - FHWA
Community Service: Flagstaff Police Bureau, Child Identification, Nevada Child Seekers Association, CFC Campaign, Customs & Rods Associations
Portland, Oregon resident since 1995. Married with three children, three grandchildren. Portland is a city of many different people. Their needs should be of utmost importance.
Ensure non-emergency calls filed with the police are given proper consideration; require accountability for bicycle riders;
Ensure city parks, neighborhoods, communities are safe by promoting neighborhood watches, citizen, and police involvement.
Remove city ordinances that are not being enforced and thereby erode respect for the law;
Provide open access for the people to voice their concerns, ideas, and questions with a considered response within one week;
Examine the needs of all communities and people for transportation, housing, policing, economics, child care, nutrition, and medical;
Provide access to the programs that exist for the disabled, needy, mentally challenged, and homeless promoting and enhancing these programs to encourage them to become more independent.
Evaluate school spending by conducting a thorough examination of school programs, safety, curriculums, and specialized programs;
Provide up-to-date books.
Ensure tax money is spent responsibly on things that are needed by every citizen;
Ensure that money in the city budget is spent wisely, legitimately, and effectively.
I work for the United States Attorney's Office, therefore, I am providing the following disclaimer. The views and opinions I express are my private views and opinions and are presented in my personal capacity not necessarily those of the United States or the United States Attorneys' Office.
(This information furnished by Melody F. Berkheiser)

Occupation: Business & Political Consultant, Radio & Cable TV Talk Host, Family Man
Occupational Background: Community Relations, USA Waste Systems; Publisher, Oregon Voter's Digest & Portland Observer; Owner, CAD-TEK, Tri-County Neighborhood Housing Loan Officer, US Bank; Sales, IBM; US Marine Corps (Air Group 16, Vietnam); US Marine Recruiter, Portland
Educational Background: Portland State U., Northrup Aeronautical Technology Inst., Los Angeles City College, Texas Southern U.
Prior Governmental Experience: Metro Solid Waste Advisory Board, Governor's Small Business Task Force, Portland Solid Waste & Recycling Board, White House Conference (Small Business), Multnomah County Charter Review Board, Urban Forestry Commission, City of Portland Public Utility Review Board
Community service: Boards: Boys & Girls Clubs, McCoy Academy, Martin Luther King Scholarship Fund, Member: NAACP, Urban League, Oregon Newspaper Publishers Assoc., The Buffalo Soldiers, Kiwanis
(This information furnished by Bruce Broussard)

Occupation: Mortgage Broker
Occupational Background: None
Educational Background: Pacific Lutheran University 1977 Bachelors Business Administration; Concordia College 1975 Associate of Arts; Wilson High School 1973.
Prior Governmental Experience: None
1) Basic government services funded first: Police, Fire, Water/Sewer and Parks will be adequately funded. This is the primary role of government to provide basic service. MAJOR INCREASE IN DRUG PREVENTION UNIT.
1a) Basic property rights for neighborhoods. Presently 3 to 5 unit rowhouses are being built where single family homes used to be. By restoring property use decisions to the neighborhoods our communities will become less congested and more livable.
2) Accountability - As your mayor I am committing to visit with the people a minimum of two days per week, EVERY WEEK. City auditors budget will be increased.
2a) Affordable housing. There is only one way to have affordable housing. BUILD MORE AFFORDABLE HOMES.
3) Transportation Policy
There will be a comprehensive plan to reduce automobile congestion.
1) reduce accidents during rush hour and respond to traffic mishaps ASAP during rush hour. 2) Target traffic congested areas and find solutions to move traffic more efficiently during peak hours.
As your mayor before any decision is made there will be one basic question I will ask: Will this make Portland a better, more livable city? The present mayor wants to pave the freeway, I want to pave the roads of Portland. If you have not voted in years because you feel shut out: CAST YOUR VOTE FOR BLAKE BYRN, I will return trust and open government to the people of Portland.
(This information furnished by Blake Byrne)

Occupational Background: I spent 18 years in the telecommunications industry. My most recent job was with US West as an installer for residence and business. I have also done repair work for US West in Portland. Previously, I have been a teacher, firefighter and I repaired talking books for the visually impaired.
Educational Background: Completed one year college, education cut short due to uninsured drunk driver.
Prior Governmental Experience: None.
I am running for mayor, to give the voters the choice, to put a person in office who is not owned by special interests. I want to insure that the voters get the last word. When the voters say "no" to something like light rail, I will insure that the people's wishes get first consideration. I will use your money wisely rather than frivolously. City services, schools, street maintenance, and issues concerning the counties living environment, get top priorities. If the east side reflects the cities ability to annex and serve the public's needs fairly during growth, the city needs to reevaluate its thirst for new tax bases. East county residents will no longer be the "step-children" of Portland.
I am concerned with making city hall accountable for its spending and its conduct. City hall should use the funds designated for certain projects for THOSE projects only. I will ensure that the city commissioners are more responsive to honest and valid requests. In recent years, government has become less responsive to voters and more centered on personal agendas. It is time we use government for the betterment of our city as a whole. I want to be the peoples mayor. Mayor Katz and Commissioner Hale have taught me that I can't fight city hall. I guess the forgot we can vote them out.
(This information furnished by Scott Conway)

Occupation: Secretary, Oregon Health Division, March 1986 to present.
Occupational Background: Support capacity at Harvard Business School; NASA; Department of Defense; American Friends Service Committee; etc.
Educational Background: San Lorenzo Valley High School, Felton, CA, Diploma 1960; Reed College B.A. 1965; Stanford University; Graduate work, no degree; San Francisco State University, M.A. 1978.
Prior Governmental Experience: None.
The city that works doesn't work for everyone and it doesn't always work.
My properties are clear: food and shelter and affordable housing. Educating our children. Care and protection of vulnerable citizens. Public safety. Strong neighborhoods. A city hall acting consistently to benefit the entire city.
We cannot wait for the state to remedy our current education crisis. We need to provide quality education for all the city's children and not just at the expense of those renting and on fixed incomes.
Technology is a tool, not the driver. The current phase is a shake down cruise and extensive investment is not wise.
Working in the public sector, I understand the strengths and constraints of civil service. Unions have played and will continue to play an important role. However, when unions impede, rather than contribute, it is time to renegotiate.
I believe in concise, clear communication: one hour meetings and one page memos. And everyone putting all their cards on the table.
The political process I am most impressed by is consensus. I see the mayor's role as bringing about consensus in the body politic. To this end, I would dialogue weekly with individual citizens on a first come, first served basis.
I will make a continuing circuit of the neighborhood associations with the goal of their evolving into districts with a per cent of general funds going back to local control on a per capita basis.
And, finally, I will not accept in myself, in others or in the structures of the community, discrimination based on race, class, religion, gender or sexual orientation.
(This information furnished by Virginia Davis)

Occupation: Corps of Engineers
Occupational Background: FEMA
Educational Background: Princeton University, BS, Civil Engineering
Prior Governmental Experience: None.
Portland is a beautiful city! However...
Portland needs serious tech support for the 21st Century.|
John Ernsberger, the Civil Engineer, can provide it.
Our aging water supply, our mismanaged sewer project, and our environmentally threatened river, demand our best support.
John has a Civil Engineering degree from Princeton University. He has supported the US 8th Army with facility engineering in Seoul, Korea, the 4th largest city in the world. John has responded to 6 natural disasters, including Mt. St.Helens and the San Francisco earthquake. Portland must be ready.
Engineering is the link between our expanding knowledge base and lifestyle. But engineering does not have all the answers...
Portland needs serious moral support for the 21st Century.
John Ernsberger, the Christian, can provide it.
Police must be on duty when paid. We must limit school and library internet pornography and violence. Public schools must restore basic curriculum. Abortion is unsafe and unregulated. Homosexual lobbyists now obtain truly special rights.
The Ten Commandments are not ten suggestions; they belong in the classrooms and courtrooms. Our city needs standards.
Portland needs serious financial support for the 21st Century.
John Ernsberger, the Cost Engineer, can provide it.
Vera doesn't see it. Property taxes are about double for city residents. Our retired citizens are taxed out of their homes. With right priorities and privatizing, we can continue to provide enhanced, legitimate, city services for less cost. Moving I-5 and covering I-405 are meritless boondoggles. The light rail is expensive and ineffective. At rush hour, people are treated like cattle. Instead, express buses will reduce cost, crowding, park-and-rides, pollution, AND transit time.
Cost Engineering experience has focused John on the principle of maximum benefits to the public at lowest cost.
Budget surpluses will become tax rebates, NOT more wasteful programs and projects. Bank on it!
Support John at 253-3563, email: ernsj@usa.net,
website: http://home.infospace.com/ernsj2
(This information furnished by John Ernsberger)

Occupation: None.
Occupational Background: Fantasy Video
Educational Background: Slater Elementary School; Alameda Jr. High School; Bear Creek High School.
Prior Governmental Experience: None.
As your delightful Mayor, I will show you the magic in your T.V. set. I will show you that the T.V. is the new ancient God for the year 2000. As mayor, I will show you how to use your television for spiritual salvation. I will take you by your left and right hand to the land of eternal fun. We can all become new and improved and full of Godlike grooviness. Turn on your television, turn on your unconscious, and have a look around. I have always been the Mayor.
The city that works? No! No! No! We are the city of roses! We are not some cold, gray, dark metropolis. We are not some nightmare city of the future. We are Mayberry! We are a warm blanket on a cold, rainy day. We are a city where our oldest citizens can walk downtown at night and feel safe. In the spring, you can actually smell the flowers in bloom. Try doing that in the city that works. Puddletown, awake from your rainy sleep and see that a puddle is a mirror to look into and see your true self.
As your Mayor, I am a lonely little raindrop. You are all my lonely little raindrops, too. I will see you in your dreams, and at the voting booths. A vote for me is a vote for you, Portlandia!
(This information furnished by Shaun James Fairlee)

Occupation: Homeless youth advocate - Independently works with homeless youth. Counseling, promoting education and work ethics, encouraging "street kids" to create a better life for themselves. Volunteer for "Dakota's Kitchen," a privately operated food ministry program. Accomplishments: Over 42 kids off the streets in the last year.
Occupational Background: Labors Union Local 296; Evans Plumbing and Electric; Wee Care Too Medical Transport; Spider Aviation; OSPIRG; McDonald's Manager-in-training.
Educational Background: Rigler Elementary School - NE Portland; Whittaker Middle School - NE Portland; Lane Community College - High School Education, Eugene, Oregon; Southeastern Technical Institute - Computers Division, Eugene, Oregon.
Prior Governmental Experience: Hardeeville, South Carolina Fire Dept.; Lane County Volunteer Forest Firefighter - Eugene, Oregon
I, Jason Fleming, would like to put our tax dollars to work where the citizens of Portland want them used. In the last ten years, our city budget has grown 97.41% while the total population has only increased by 19% (City Budget summary, p.21). I believe we have the money for better community services, affordable public transportation, better education in our public schools, and lowering the poverty level in Portland.
As a born and raised citizen of Portland, I would like to see the citizens of Portland get more involved to help our city government make the right decisions. If elected as "your Mayor," I will seek more community input before making decisions that affect all of our lives. Without more community involvement, our city government will not have the ability to understand what our citizens want and need.
I cannot make any promises to anyone except that I will do the best I can for everyone.
This is your city _
Jason Fleming
Endorsed by Bruce Knight Congressional Candidate, District 3
(This information furnished by Jason Fleming for Mayor - Equal Rights for All, 818 SW 3rd., #212, Portland, OR 97204-2405)

Occupation: Commercial Property Management
Occupational Background: Tower Crane Operator, and, Business Manager/Financial Secretary of the International Union of Operating Engineers Local 701. During my tenure, I negotiated labor contracts between Labor and the Associated General Contractors of America and the Sand/Gravel and concrete industry. I also processed arbitrations and grievances.
Educational Background: Lincoln Grade School, Eldon, Iowa; Eldon Public High School (completed Junior year); G.E.D. Mt. Hood Community College; certificates from the International Foundation for Employee Benefit Funds. Secretary of multi-million dollar Health, Welfare, and Pension Trust funds for the Operating Engineers Union.
Prior Governmental Experience: Veteran of WORLD WAR II. Elected Precinct Committeeman. Appointed to the Budget Committee of the Hazelwood Water District. Board member of the Parkrose Heights Association of Neighbors. I instituted the first Operator Engineer training program for the local union as required by the Department of Labor and with the Port of Portland.
Charlie Gilbert is...
- an experienced labor negotiator who will keep the loop holes closed on future contracts that have fleeced Portland taxpayers out of millions of dollars.
- a mayor who will eliminate the unfair rates for stormwater disposal that burdens homeowners with drywells.
- a mayor who will deliver on the promise Portland made to East County residents upon annexation to provide better fire protection and public safety...and who will maintain parity between firefighter and police salaries
- a mayor who will investigate and end City Bureau practices that combine functions of code development, investigation, and enforcement which leads to partisanship planning that benefits neither citizen nor builder.
- a mayor who will scrutinize Portland Development Commission budgets and contracts, and prevent the type of inattention that allowed P.D.C. to continue paying a local firm after contract closure and the purchased system failed!
Vote for change.
Vote Charlie Gilbert!
(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Charlie Gilbert)

Occupation: Mayor, City of Portland, Oregon
Occupational Background: Director of Development, Portland Community College
Educational Background: B.A., M.A. studies, Brooklyn College, New York.
Prior Governmental Experience: (1973-1993) State Representative; (1985-1991) Speaker, Oregon House.
Strong Leadership with Results.
Education: "Katz didn't just throw money at the schools. She demanded accountability." Willamette Week, 12.16.98
Accountability: "Portland residents feel safer in their neighborhoods, and general are more satisfied with basic city services and rate the city as more livable overall, compared to ten years ago." Oregonian, 1.4.99
Crime: "Katz has done a good job cracking down on the bad guys." Willamette Week, 12.16.98
Citizen Involvement: "Katz has stressed outreach, and has been present in the neighborhoods..." Oregonian, 1.10.99
Neighborhoods: "Katz deserves credit for trying to direct high density housing to downtown...rather than into existing single family neighborhoods." Willamette Week, 12.16.98
Vision and Action for a Better Portland
"Katz offers ambitious vision...she laid out an activist agenda for a third term..." Oregonian, 1.29.00
Dear Portlander,
We work each day to make Portland even greater, with better schools, job training and higher education; a crackdown to end youth gun violence; a cleaner Willamette River; more efficient and effective city services; neighborhood improvements like parks, streets and affordable housing; good design and smarter planning of growth; support for arts; stronger civil rights; help for local businesses; and expanded transit.
My passion for this work has never been stronger, my love of this city and its people, never deeper. Vera
(This information furnished by Friends of Vera Katz)

Occupation: Full time advocate for patients rights, children's rights, social justice, plant & animal restoration, and healthy homes and habitats for people & natures diverse species.
Occupational Background: Food & Hotel - Space Needle Restaurant cook; nutritional consultant - Fuller Brush Sales; Aetna Insurance Company; John L. Scott Realtor; Journeywoman Painter, Researcher, Wise Advisor.
Educational Background: Grade School - Ireton, Iowa; High School, Rapid City, South Dakota; Business Schools (Real Estate, Insurance, Security [SEC & NASD]), Fairbanks, Alaska.
Prior Governmental Experience: No paid experience in government, yet. I am ready now to take the city into a more benevolent future. I've studied Portland's government for 30 years and met some great examples.
I feel overqualified & underfunded. Can teach government how to live better on less, and I'll share the chair with other candidates. What more can you ask??
Dear Citizens of Portland, Oregon
This year of 2000 marks 24 years of being an unelected candidate for many political offices. When I started campaigning for office, was told I needed a million dollars to run for Prez. This year I was told I needed 10 million.
I refuse to ask for huge megabucks to pay the press or buy t.v. ads to get elected. If that makes me public enemy number 1 (one) in the media mentality, then I'll probably accept the honor, graciously.
I've tried to set an example of campaign reform to other worthy candidates.
I'll need the help and energy of all the candidates working together instead of against each other, creating the most lively, healthy, compassionate, living and working spaces for the diverse & worthy citizens for Portland, Oregon.
I've got workable ideas to help heal the ills of our police and Justice system by eliminating unjust laws that police are compelled to enforce.
We can live better on less, saving resources and preserving nature for our grandchildren.
It's time for the citizens of Portland to get together and help elect an * arcology for the poor, our youth, the nature lovers and ecofreaks and environmentalists who wish to live harmoniously with each other.
Free spirits, protesters, travelers, migrant farmers can create our own earth friendly living space using natural elements for heating & cooling, rather than extracting every last drop of oil from our parent earth for our greed for more energy.
* Arcology - architecture and ecology combined in 3 dimensional community that is self-sustaining, and that doesn't deplete surrounding resources and cover nature and countryside with more concrete & cars.
More later.
Jada Mae, USA
New Millennium
Founder of Preservative Party
(This information furnished by
Jada Mae Langloss/Vote for Yourself Committee)
Occupation: Appt. Setter for Consultants _ Home Security.
Occupational Background: Pianist, Singer, Dental Assist, Advertising Art, Research Survey.
Educational Background: Seattle Comm College - Adv Art (cert.); Seattle Med/Dental School (cert.).
Prior Governmental Experience: 6 yrs. legal system
Educating people on legalizing regulating drugs & prostitution in safest, healthiest, peaceful way for adults 18/21 yrs. over. Drugs sold in `pure' plant form: marijuana, cocaine, heroin, sold as: marijuana, cocoa plants, poppy seed flowers. `Side effects and addiction very low' in `pure plant form'; sold, taxed, out of state run stores, in packages with explicit warning labels, advised safest dosages.
It is the `im'pure and widely varying dosages' that cause addiction, sickness, sometimes death. `Illegal causes violence.'
Prostitution sold safely, legally, adults only, 18/21 yrs. over, out of convention center locations. Product not visible from outside, or near schools, homes.
- Taxed for community needs.
- Marijuana, cocoa plants, poppy seed flowers `not to be used' while driving, using machinery, out in public.
If a `demand' for cocaine, heroin - sell it also in `same type' explicit packages, pure, advised dosages, adults, 18/21 yrs., over.
- Advocate no experiments on animals - Gods' natural nutrition heals: cancer, heart disease, most illnesses, 4 days to `2' months.
- Supporting hemp products.
- Everyone equal before law.
- Free air time, political candidates.
- Educating responsible birth control, conception
- Inviting `Los Angeles Dream Centers' help to Portland:
Help `un'wed mothers, homeless, abused children, AIDS patients, drug addicts, alcoholics, troubled youth.
- Helping police to be peaceful helpers, to immediately de-escalate situations, in a helpful way, whenever possible.
- Teaching children to read using phonics, golden rule in every class.
- Open, helpful office - decisions made to include everyone, helpfully.
- I do `not advocate' drugs, prostitution, but to allow it in safe, legal way, taxed for drug-alcohol addiction programs, military, community needs.
- Helpful programs, and respectful circumstances, for prisoners: assisted by voluntary ministers, rabbis, and monks, so when released they are healthy productive citizens.
(This information furnished by Wendy Mari Loren)

Occupation: Student and Track Coach
Occupational Background: Intern at Intel Corporation; Music Teacher; Track Coach at Lincoln High School and Multnomah Athletic Club.
Educational Background: Pomona College, Sophomore; Lincoln High School, Honors 1998.
Prior Governmental Experience: Intern, Commissioner Erik Sten; Commissioner of Academic Affairs, Pomona College; Student Government, Lincoln High School.
Community Experience: Volunteer, Potluck-In-The-Park; Schools Advocate; Captain, 1997 Lincoln High School Constitution Team.
1. Jake Is Committed To Our Neighborhoods.
Jake believes that the neighborhoods of Portland should have the first say on any issue being voted on by the council. He will meet with EVERY neighborhood in the first 96 days of taking offices, increase the budget for our neighborhood organizations, and work cooperatively with individual neighborhoods to establish development goals that reflect the unique characteristics of each community.
2. Jake Will Open Up City Hall.
Jake understands that our best public policies are reached when deals are constructed in the full view of the public. He will conduct ALL city meetings in public view, immediately disclose any private conversations he has relating to city business, and make the council agenda easily available WEEKS before important decisions are made.
3. Jake Supports Our Schools.
Jake knows that an excellent education system is the backbone of any community. That is why he will maintain financial support for our public school teachers, make our community colleges valuable job training centers, and fund Headstart so that all children begin school with the skills they need to succeed.
Go to www.JAKEformayor.com to find out more about Jake and his plans to prevent crime, ensure excellent mental health care, create an effective housing and growth plan, support viable transportation alternatives, maintain a stable and safe water source for the next century, and uphold responsible fiscal policies in the budgeting process.
Jake has responded to over 1000 emails from Portlanders and he is committed to answering your questions at info@JAKEformayor.com.
(This information furnished by Jake For Mayor)