Notice of Election
On March 9, 1999, an election will be held, conducted by mail, for the purpose of electing board members to fill the positions and terms for the following districts. Any qualified voter that desires to be a candidate for an office listed below must file with the Elections Division of Multnomah County, 1040 S.E. Morrison, Portland, Oregon 97214, no later than 5 p.m., Thursday, January 7, 1999.
Centennial School District #28-302JT
Zone 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 5 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Corbett School District #39
Position 1, Zone 1 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5, Zone 1 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 6, Zone 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 7, Zone 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
David Douglas School District #40
Position 3, Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 4, Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5, Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 7, Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Gresham-Barlow School District #10JT
Position 1, Zone 1 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 2, Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5, Zone 4 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 7, At-Large Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Mt. Hood Community College
Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 5 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 6, (At-Large) Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 7, (At-Large) Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Multnomah Education Service District
Position 3, Zone 2 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 5, Zone 1 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 6, At-Large Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 7, Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Parkrose School District #3
Position 1 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Portland Community College
Zone 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 7 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Portland School District #1JT
Zone 1 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Zone 7 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Reynolds School District #7
Position 5 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 6 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 7 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Riverdale School District #51JT
Position 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Alto Park Water District
Position 1 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 2 Commissioner, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Burlignton Water District
Position 2 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Commissioner, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Corbett Water District
Position 1 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Lusted Water District
Position 1 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Pleasant Home Water District
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Powell Valley Road Water District
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Valley View Water District
Position 1 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 2 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 3 Commissioner, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Rurual Fire Protection District #10
Position 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Director, 2-year unexpired term ending June 30, 2001
Rurual Fire Protection District #11JT (Riverdale)
Position 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Rurual Fire Protection District #14
Position 3 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 4 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 5 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Rurual Fire Protection District #30
Position 1 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003
Position 2 Director, 4-year term ending June 30, 2003