OCCUPATION: President – Cooper Tractor & Equipment, Inc.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: President – Pacific North Equipment International; President – Howard-Cooper Corp.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Mt. Tabor Grade School; Washington High School; Portland State, Business.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Metro Councilor, 1984-1988; Multnomah County Drainage District #1, 1990-present; MCDD#1 – President Board of Supervisors, 1999 – present; Multnomah County representative for Special Districts to Metro Policy Advisory Committee. Elected 2nd. Vice Chair, 2002.

We live in a wonderful community that has many fine qualities. We need to continue this trend. With the opening of the new Fairview City park in the Village and with the development of the Salish Ponds as a recreation area as well as the park on Fairview Lake all adds to our livability.

As mayor I intend to work with “all” areas of the City. We have several different neighborhoods that are physically separated by man-made structures; we need to treat these as one City.

Economic development – we have limited space, we need to work with developers to create jobs. This will create tax revenue to help pay for City services. I have been personally involved in creating new businesses. Experience counts.

Citizen involvement will be important in the future. The vision of our community is important and will take everyone’s help.

I offer more experience in dealing with the regional issues that will dictate our future. With my past experience as a Metro Councilor and present member of the Metro Policy Advisory Committee I can represent the City in many important issues coming up in the next several years.

As a 10 year elected member of the Multnomah County Drainage District #1 and for the last two years President of the Board of Supervisors I assisted the City and the Fairview Lake property owners create a Lake management agreement that I believe gives the City and owners control of their destiny.

Thank you for your support

Endorsed by:
Roger Vonderharr
Mayor of Fairview

Rod Park
Metro councilor

Steve Owen
Fairview City Councilman

(This information furnished by Larry Cooper)



OCCUPATION: Self employed property management/ maintenance

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Industrial hydraulics

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Hudsons Bay High School; Portland Community College, Business Administration, Bus. & professional communications.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Appointed Fairview City Council 6-98; Elected Fairview City Council 11-98; Gresham, Fairview, Wood Village Solid waste citizen Advisory committee; Multnomah County Emergency Management Policy board; Regional Emergency management Group Policy advisory committee, Technical committee; Fairview budget committee; Fairview skate park committee; Fairview Time Capsule committee.

     I will continue to encourage citizen communication and involvement. I have talked with residents, and attended numerous meetings and events. As a result, I believe that most Fairview residents share my goals for the City of Fairview.

     I am dismayed at the “hand me down” regulations from Metro, and other governments, actually telling people what plants are allowed in their yards and requiring high density housing. Ordinances should be by Fairview, not generically imposed by entities unfamiliar with us. This is why I participated in meetings establishing an exception process for Fairview Lake’s Riparian Buffer Zone, Metro’s “Where do we grow from here” process, and Fairview visioning sessions. Citizens should have more realistic options, honoring private property rights.

     We’re the second fastest growing city in Oregon. Residential land is nearing build-out. It’s the time to provide an atmosphere to attract business and industry, improving the city’s tax base and provide local jobs. This will allow more money for much needed parks improvement, enhanced police, and other community improvements. Fairview can never become what we envision, with the tax burden limited to mostly residential property.

     A partnering program, with other east county cities is underway, to expand commercial and industrial growth. I am committed to aggressively continue that program, resulting in a stronger, more viable city. Fairview needs to review ordinances that regulate businesses, ensuring that they do not stifle business growth. We must also assist the current businesses to ensure their continued success.

I consider myself a populist, nationalist and constitutionalist.

(This information furnished by Ken Quinby)


OCCUPATION: Mt. Hood Community College instructor

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Oregon State Parole Board member; Multnomah County Corrections Hearings Officer; Corrections Counselor; Juvenile Court Counselor

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Portland, Masters Degree, MEd; Portland State University, Bachelors Degree, Psychology, BS

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Present member U.S. Selective Service Appeals Board; Past Chair Member Oregon State Parole Board – Retired; Past City of Fairview Council Member; Past City of Fairview Planning Commission Member; Past Reynold School Board Vice Chair; Past Rockwood Water District Board President

Mike Weatherby has the demonstrated ability and skills to successfully bring our community together to work with him to improve the quality of life for all of our citizens.

Make the necessary changes Fairview zoning so that there would be No further apartment house development.

Focus city resources to actively promote the development of our commercially zoned areas.

Prioritize the health and integrity of our neighborhoods. Do not no allow any zone changes that decreases or degrades our vital residential neighborhoods.

Designate council laison person with the interlachen neighborhood associations to support cooperative efforts to work for a healthy environment for Fairview Lake, and to improve communications and relations.

Provide a Leadership role in working with all Fairview Lake residents and interested parties to resolve the issue of responsibility for the care of Fairview Lake.

Re name N.E. 207th to Fairview Parkway. It is a signature parkway that is a gateway to Fairview, and exists only in Fairview.

Make Metro work for Fairview, not Fairview work for Metro. Metro mandates housing mix requirements. However, Fairview should first decide if such services as schools, roads, police, water, and sewage treatment are in place. If services are not at a level to support an apartment complex, Fairview should have the support of Metro for alternate use such as residential.

Bernie Guisto – Multnomah County Sheriff Elect
Paul Thalhofer – Mayor of Troutdale
Oregon League of Conservation Voters

(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Mike Weatherby) 

Last reviewed January 12, 2023