November 7, 2000 - City of Gresham - Council Position #3

Jack HannaOCCUPATION: Code Compliance Officer, City of TroutdaleOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Retired Indiana Police Officer;...

Jack Hanna

OCCUPATION: Code Compliance Officer, City of Troutdale

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Retired Indiana Police Officer; Criminal Investigator Indiana Department of Revenue; CEO private security company; Director Security Portland Hilton; Legal Aid Trainee U.S. Department Veterans Affairs; Medic U.S. Air Force

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Graduate: Indiana University with Criminal Justice Degree; Indiana College of Mortuary Science; Indiana Law Enforcement Academy; Federal Law Enforcement Training Center; Pioneer Pacific College with Paralegal Certificate

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Gresham Planning Commission and Citizens Police Advisory Committee; Columbia Wellfield Protection Committee


One challenge facing City Council is restoring citizens' confidence as well as resolution of conflicts between Councilors and citizens. Unification will restore our City to a regional leadership position. I would negotiate to restore Council teamwork and more communication between citizen groups.

Work to establish natural areas along rivers/streams/wetlands and green ways in new neighborhoods and Commercial areas. Better regulate tree removal and grading avoiding soil exposure and erosion.

Revive housing code that maintains residential property standards. Utilize neighborhood organizations, city committees, and police to keep streets safe for all.

Remember our City starts at the neighborhood; when we improve the neighborhoods, we improve the City.

For more detailed information call 465-8324, e-mail or visit

(This information furnished by Jack Hanna for Gresham Council)

John A. Leuthauser


OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Various financial - Banking and Credit Union and Retail employment.

Sam Barlow High School Diploma -
Portland State University, B.S. Political Science

City Councilor, City of Gresham, 1997 - Present
Administrative Assistant, 1997 State Rep. Ron Sunseri, Oregon House
Senate Floor Staff 1995, Oregon Senate
Legislative Assistant, 1993, State Rep. Mary Alice Ford

Please vote to reelect John A. Leuthauser

It has been my distinct honor and pleasure to serve the citizens of Gresham as a City Councilor for the past 31¦2 years. I have always worked to learn the issues and build consensus for solving the problems which Gresham has faced recently.

When I was elected, Gresham faced a crisis in public safety. Several police officers had been cut due to budget constraints. I totally committed to working to restore those officers. Working with both Councils, I supported the police department the three year police investment plan. In 1996 to 1997 Gresham had 88 sworn officers and a total department of 118. In the 2000 to 2001 we now have 110 sworn officers and a total department of 159.55. This is a great improvement in staffing in our police department and our crime rates reflect this.

I am currently working to pass the fire and parks measures. Good and safe parks is the necessary next step in public safety. Assuring safe parks was the first step to providing good recreation choices for Gresham.

I worked with other Councilors to halt the immense number of apartments in Rockwood with the temporary rental unit ban. I worked and supported using federal funds for housing to promote home ownership rather than just subsidized housing.

I have learned the budget process, the 5-year management plan and most areas of governance in Gresham. I know now what I can do through setting policy and what I cannot do. This is an important and necessary knowledge.

I always speak my mind honestly and from my heart while remaining open minded and admitting to and correcting my mistakes. People may not like how I say things, but they always know what I think and from where I'm coming. I have learned how to get things done in this community and I commit to continuing to represent you as openly and honestly as possible.

(This information furnished by John A. Leuthauser)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023