November 7, 2000 - City of Lake Oswego - City Council

Gay GrahamOCCUPATION: Antiquarian books and antiques dealerOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Small business owner; retail manager;...


Gay Graham

OCCUPATION: Antiquarian books and antiques dealer

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Small business owner; retail manager; instructional aide; flight attendant

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Science, Elementary Education, Northern Illinois University

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: District Representative for Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse


• resident of Lake Oswego for 15 years

• Lake Oswego Women's Coalition, Past President, Board member

• Clackamas Women's Services, Entrepreneurial Chair, Board

• Lake Oswego Chamber of Commerce, member

• Leadership, Leadership Steering Committee

• Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC), member

• KBPS-FM, radio pledge volunteer


• redevelopment of Lake Oswego's downtown—continuing the progress we're realizing, creating an environment where we can live and play, where our current businesses will prosper, and new businesses will be encouraged to come

• parks and open spaces—retaining and expanding these in tandem with thoughtful and careful planning for growth

• schools—continuing our community's strong support and improving the cooperative efforts among our city government, school district and Lake Oswego residents

• Willamette Shore Rail Line—maintaining it not only to help make Lake Oswego a destination point, but as a very real option to meet our future commuting demands

• library—expanding it to meet our community's ever-increasing usage

• historic sites—sharing our community's concern for their preservation and seeking innovative ways to protect our history

• neighborhoods—including their long-term plans, goals and concerns

With my business and governmental background, I am qualified to examine and understand the short and long-term needs of our city. I look forward to meeting the challenges and taking the responsibility to make the tough decisions that will balance these needs with the finite amount of tax dollars with which we must work.


• an unshakable belief that one person can make a difference

• and desire to research issues for clear understanding

• integrity and commitment to honesty and equality

• hard work coupled with dependable follow-through

• teamwork attitude

• a good sense of humor

(This information furnished by Gay Graham, Gay Graham for City Council)


Jeff Gudman

OCCUPATION: Businessman, Investor

Financial Analyst - Hyster Co - 1979 - 1983
Controller - Magnetech - 1983 - 1985
Treasurer - Oregon Natural Gas Development - 1985 - 1994
Private Investor - 1994 - Present

Pomona College - 1976 - B.A. Economics
University of Pennsylvania Wharton School of Business - 1979 - M.B.A. Finance and Management

Member and Vice Chair - Lake Oswego Budget Committee
Chair - Lake Oswego Shuttle Transit Advisory Committee

Executive Committee & Treasurer U.S.A. Swimming
Former Chair - Northwest Pilot Project - Housing for poor and elderly
Member - Portland Area Council of Campfire
Chair - Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition (LONAC)
Former Chair - Financial Executive Institute - Portland Chapter
Board Member - Tygres Heart Shakespeare Company

There are three qualities I will bring to our city council. 1) I will bring my analytical experience to simplify often complex issues to highlight true choices; 2) I will look for the best LONG TERM solution to these public problems and 3) I will communicate with YOU, the citizen, to gain acceptance of the approach I think best to solving these public problems.

Issues I am most concerned about are: 1) Developing greater linkage of Council policies and the city Budget; 2) I will work hard to ensure the most productive use of our tax dollars; 3) I believe we can maintain a high quality of services without raising taxes in the next three years; 4) Annexation policies for a more complete community; and 5) downtown redevelopment.

Public Service is a great honor. If you choose me to serve as your representative on the Lake Oswego City Council, I pledge to serve YOU with the best of my ability and honor your trust in me with my time, respect of other points of view and best efforts.


Jeff Gudman

(This information furnished by Jeff Gudman)

Ellie McPeak


OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: College Lecturer; Economist (Federal Cost of Living Council)

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: B.A. and M.A. in Economics, San Diego State University

Lake Oswego Arts Commission (Chair of the Public Art Committee) 1996-1999;
Citizens Budget Committee 1999-2000; City Council 2000

Why I'm "The Right Choice" for City Council:

In my first year on the City Council, my goals have been to:

• LEARN about the issues that come before the Council

• SEEK the views of all sides on each question

• REACH decisions that are fair and fiscally prudent

During the next four years, I pledge to continue those efforts, and:

• WORK to resolve our street maintenance funding problem

• IMPROVE Council's attention to the problems of growth, through vigilant and high quality city planning, a persuasive presentation of the Lake Oswego view at Metro, and the use of all options to deal with traffic problems

• COMPLETE downtown redevelopment through the use of both public and private projects

• STRENGTHEN our neighborhoods

• TREAT each citizen and business with fairness and dignity

Governing Lake Oswego is a partnership between the citizens and elected officials. I want to make it easier for citizens to be informed and active partners. Council decisions should be guided by the vision of our city and its future as expressed in the Comprehensive Plan. As your Councilor I will work with you on needed revisions to this Plan over the next term. We can meet community needs and do so within the limits placed on us by increasingly restrictive budgets. But, many choices will be difficult. I'll do my best to make the right ones, with your help. Let's continue together to achieve what is important for Lake Oswego.


Virginia and Herald Campbell, Heather Chrisman, Dee Denton, Marcia Donnelly, Norma Jean and Henry Germond, Bill Klammer, Peggy and Warren Oliver, Craig Prosser, Joan Sappington, Alice Schlenker, Gerri and Donald Tisdel, Jim Zupancic

(This information furnished by Ellie McPeak)


Karl W. Rohde

OCCUPATION: Event Coordinator - Precision Events

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Sales and Marketing Coordinator, Oregon Software, Inc.; Product Marketing Manager, Acumen, Inc.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Lake Oswego Schools, K-12; Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, Troy, NY; Portland State University, Portland, OR

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Current: Lake Oswego City Councilor; Clackamas County Cities Representative, Metro Joint Policy Advisory Committee on Transportation; League of Oregon Cities Transportation Committee; Lake Oswego Representative to Willamette Shore Rail Line Consortium; Past: Vice Chair, Lakewood Neighborhood Association; Chair, Neighborhood Traffic Advisory Board; Resident Delegate, Clackamas County Cities, Regional Transportation Plan, Citizen Advisory Committee; Chair, Lake Oswego Neighborhood Action Coalition.

Common Sense for Complex Times

There is a lot of complexity to setting policy and deciding on issues for Lake Oswego. Federal, state and regional regulations dramatically affect local decision making. I work hard to find solutions to community needs and wants while meeting the requirements of those outside agencies.

Environmental regulations, transportation problems, the needs of a growing elderly population, public safety, and declining revenue are just some of the complex issues that must be addressed. Each demands a common sense approach. My voting record for the past four years shows I do just that.

Experience Matters.

Four years on Council, representative on key state and regional committees, advisory board chair and being a lifelong resident of Lake Oswego provides invaluable experience.

I make an effort to meet with and understand the diverse interests throughout the City. I work hard to learn all I can about the issues affecting our community. And I explore innovative concepts to address Lake Oswego's unique needs.

Because decisions made at higher levels of government affect Lake Oswego so dramatically, I have established good working relationships with our regional, state and congressional representatives.

For the last four years, it has been my mission to be fair and honest and to keep my eye on the future. There is still a lot to do and I want to continue to serve the community.

Karl Rohde - Experience and Common Sense

(This information furnished by Committee to Elect Karl Rohde)


John Turchi


OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Principal - River Grove Elementary, Lakeridge and Lake Oswego High Schools, and government and history teacher.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: M.A. Political Science, Portland Sate University; B.S. Social Science, University of Oregon; Lake Oswego High School _ Graduated 1963.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Lake Oswego committee to rewrite the City Charter; conducted a "physical inventory" of Lake Oswego for the first comprehensive plan; coordinated on site cooperation between the City and the school district; and negotiated collective bargaining agreements.

Communities represent a shared sense of place and history. I am running for City council because, as a life long resident, I believe I can contribute to a sense of community in Lake Oswego, a place where quality of life matters. In Lake Oswego citizens want to be involved and consulted in the decisions that impact the quality of life.

Historically, forward thinkers have taken on such projects as Tyron Creek Park, Millennium Park and fountains, downtown redevelopment and the Heritage House.

Today, opportunities continue to present themselves:

• The development of Lake Oswego's other waterfront along the Willamette River.

• Phase three of the Millennium Park project.

• The purchase of open space.

• The Stafford area, presenting many possibilities for the development of parkland, open space and a city recreation center.

We must continue to:

• Nurture local business and resist "super sizing" warehouse businesses.

• Encourage the redevelopment of the business districts and local ownership.

• Enhance the livability of our city for the young as well as our senior citizens.

• Continue the addition of walking and bike paths.

We must be willing to embrace the future and look forward to an even better city. We must:

• Preserve livability.

• Seek opportunities for community improvements.

• Remember that strength is in our neighborhoods.

• Be constructive and try to reach consensus.

• Make Lake Oswego a place our children and their children will want to live and grow with their families.

(This information furnished by Turchi for City Council) 

Last reviewed January 12, 2023