November 7, 2000 - City of Lake Oswego - Mayor

Judie HammerstadOCCUPATION: RetiredOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: County Commissioner, Educational Specialist, Teacher, Editor...

Judie Hammerstad


OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: County Commissioner, Educational Specialist, Teacher, Editor

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: University of Oregon, B.A., History

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: County Commissioner, 1990-98; Chair, 1992, 1995, 1998. State Representative, 1987-88. Lake Oswego School Board, 1980-88; Chair, 1982-83 and 1987-88.


Lake Oswego can become the attractive, viable, autonomous community that our residents want _ without sacrificing our high quality of life and the village atmosphere we desire. We need a revitalized downtown that serves our community, and we need to preserve and enhance our neighborhoods.
We need to work together for practical, cost-effective solutions to the problems that confront us-including taking a pro-active stance regarding the way we manage growth and providing for the amenities our citizens expect.


Judie has served Lake Oswego with success for 20 years. She was a champion for educational excellence during her 8 years on the Lake Oswego School Board.

As a State Representative, Judie fought for the interests
of her legislative district. As an 8-year Clackamas County Commissioner, she had a reputation for intelligence, hard work, and accomplishment.

"Having worked alongside Judie, I know she has the vision, dedication and outstanding ability to be an excellent mayor for the citizens of Lake Oswego."

U.S. Representative Darlene Hooley

5th Congressional District, Oregon


During her years of public service, Judie has demonstrated leadership on every board or commission on which she has served. In 1999, she was recognized with the Distinguished Leadership by an Elected Official award from the Oregon Chapter of the American Planning Association.

"Judie Hammerstad has the credibility and respect throughout the region and the state to be a strong voice for Lake Oswego."

Alice Schlenker

Former Mayor of Lake Oswego

Putting LEADERSHIP, VISION, and EXPERIENCE to work for Lake Oswego

(This information furnished by Friends of Judie Hammerstad)


Tom Lowrey


OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Law; Pilot, United States Air Force

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Bachelor of Business Administration, University of Michigan; Juris Doctor, Masters Taxation, McGeorge School of Law

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Lake Oswego City Council, Planning Commission, Committee Citizen Involvement, Chair Palisades Neighborhood.

Your government must work better. Tom Lowrey is independent, thoughtful, innovative, and as Mayor will represent all the community with energy and integrity. Tom will provide vigorous and effective representation at Metro and Salem so growth will not diminish our community. We, not others, must decide what growth we can support. Lake Oswego cannot afford Clackamas County style leadership. Downtown redevelopment is an obsession, for some, that consumes too much from our community. Let's complete it and move forward, improving city-wide facilities, streets, library, and recreation.

Tom Lowrey puts the community first and foremost.

GROWTH: I will promote policies for cautious, intelligent management of growth. As we've seen, when growth outpaces our ability to finance infrastructure, livability declines. The region's growth and public spending capacity must be linked to each other, balanced, and realistically limited. Growth must contribute.

DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT: Block 138 proposal has my support only if quality retailers are pre-leased tenants, and the developer is truly a partner with the City. Successful redevelopment will increase traffic _ I will protect our neighborhoods from traffic.

STREETS: Long term solution for better streets, without new taxes, is complete downtown redevelopment and return the District 100% to the tax rolls. The City will receive $500,000 more yearly.

TAXES: Tom Lowrey is committed to fiscal responsibility. People pay plenty of taxes. Government must prioritize spending. I will represent taxpayers and be tough against special interests.

NEIGHBORHOODS: The city must fund implementation of Neighborhood Plans, providing more for street beautification, traffic calming, and enhancement.

PROCESS ENSURES: Equal opportunity for participation; dignity for all; justice; inclusiveness; volunteerism; and collaboration from government. Tom Lowrey will respect people and build consensus. Lake Oswego is fortunate to have many talented citizens. As Mayor I will involve people more.

(This information furnished by Tom Lowrey for Mayor Committee) 

Last reviewed January 12, 2023