November 7, 2000 - City of Troutdale - Mayor

Pat SmithOCCUPATION: Retired; Troutdale City Councilor; Treasurer, Troutdale Historical SocietyOCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: ...


Pat Smith

OCCUPATION: Retired; Troutdale City Councilor; Treasurer, Troutdale Historical Society
(3 businesses); Bookkeeper; Sales Person

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Public Schools; Graduated Hughes HS, Cincinnati, Ohio

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council; Troutdale Budget Committee; Troutdale Parks Advisory Committee

I feel voters should have a choice. I have lived in Troutdale over 30 years. My husband and I have been owners and partners in three separate businesses in Troutdale. We raised our family of 4 children here, always staying involved in local activities. I know our town.

The present Troutdale City Council has done an outstanding job. We now have a downtown to be proud of! There is something for everyone.

But Troutdale's budget has gotten out of control. Since our mayor took office the city's budget has more than tripled. I think it is time to stop and put our financial house in order. The mayor is not prepared to do it. Instead he favors spending taxpayer's money on expensive projects he thinks will be popular, like a skateboard park. I believe it is irresponsible to promise voters everything because, eventually, the city is going to ask you to pay for it.

I strongly favor keeping the policy of volunteer elected officials. I oppose paying the mayor or council a salary. As mayor I will work with the council and run the meetings fairly.

I do not and will never accept money, expensive gifts, or other things of value from people, businesses, or organizations having business before the city. That would make me feel obligated to them.

My Priorities Are:

#1) Managing growth, particularly resisting higher density
development proposed by Metro; and

#2) Public Safety.

I am not backed or endorsed by any real estate interests and I am not supported financially by local business people. I am for the citizens and taxpayers of Troutdale.


(This information furnished by Pat Smith)

Paul A. Thalhofer

OCCUPATION: Mayor of Troutdale; Insurance Agent
OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Insurance Management; General Sales; Private Investigator; Legal Research; Lawyer; Judge; Janitor; Lumber Piler; Truck Driver; Ranch Hand; US Navy; US Air Force Reserve

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: Prineville Grade School; Crook County High School—Prineville; University of Oregon _ BA, L.L.B.

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Troutdale City Council and Planning Commission; Pendleton Mayor and City Council; Multnomah County Charter Review Committee; Chair, Multnomah County Citizen Involvement Committee; Multnomah County Public Safety Council; Board of Directors, Oregon Mayors' Association; Willamette Valley Livability Forum; General Government Committee, League of Oregon Cities; Board of Directors, Reynolds Education Foundation.

Dear Troutdale Voters:

It is an honor and privilege to serve as your mayor. I have worked hard to provide leadership that helps make Troutdale the most livable little city in the Country. Troutdale is a friendly, caring community, and retaining our small town character and atmosphere has always been one of my main goals. Much has been accomplished and much more needs to be done.

• Our downtown has been revitalized and is the crown jewel of the region.

• Our sewer treatment plant is being relocated out of downtown providing us with an opportunity to create an exciting mixed use development, with public amenities on the vacated land.

• Our parks have been enhanced and our greenways expanded including Beaver Creek Canyon.

• We have an excellent police force, and we have made provision for life guards on the Sandy River to save lives.

• For our young people, we have two state of the art little league baseball fields and a new soccer field at Columbia Park as well as the Imagination Station playground.

• We need to enhance our citizen involvement program with a neighborhood association network.

• We need to maintain current services and add additional police officers to keep our city safe. However, we must spend our taxpayer dollars wisely.

Let us keep Troutdale the most livable city in the Country. Re-elect Mayor Paul Thalhofer.

(This information furnished by Paul A. Thalhofer) 

Last reviewed January 12, 2023