November 7, 2000 General Election - East Multnomah Soil & Water Conservation District - Director, At Large (2 year term)

Clifton E. DealOCCUPATION: Engineering Consultant.OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Retired from USDA Soil Conservation Service (...

Clifton E. Deal

OCCUPATION: Engineering Consultant.

OCCUPATIONAL BACKGROUND: Retired from USDA Soil Conservation Service (SCS) with 29.5 years experience as: Regional Soil Mechanics Engineer (1982-97) West National Technical Center, Portland; Water Resources Planning (WRP) Engineering Geologist (1977-82) WRP Staff, Salina, KS; Soil Mechanics Engineer (1972-77) Design Staff, Salina, KS; Civil Engineer (1971-72) National Soil Mechanics Laboratory, Lincoln, NE; Civil Engineer (1967-71) Black Vermillion Watershed Project, Frankfort, KS.

EDUCATIONAL BACKGROUND: BS in Geological Engineering (1960) Kansas University. 30 Post Graduate semester hours in Civil Engineering at Nebraska University (1970-71), Kansas State University (1977-1981) and Portland State University (1984-1987) specializing in water treatment design and advanced hydrologic analysis. Special studies: Environmental Concepts (1978) Kansas State University; Stream Mechanics (1980) Colorado State University; Control of Ag. Nonpoint Sources of Pollution (1981) Cornell University; Clearcutting in Western Oregon (1999) Oregon State University; Water Rights Workshop (2000) Portland State University

PRIOR GOVERNMENTAL EXPERIENCE: Director, East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District (1999 to present) Appointed; Treasurer, East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District February 2000 to present; District liaison with the Johnson Creek Headwaters and the Friends of Beaver Creek watershed groups; represent the District on the Grading and Erosion Control Task Force for Multnomah County.

Clifton is a licensed Professional Civil Engineer with 38 years of experience in water resource planning, water quality protection, environmental assessments, geomorphology, sediment control, stream mechanics, geotechnical forensics, engineering geology, irrigation and bioengineering for agricultural lands. Has published standards in the American Society for Testing and Materials of which he is a member; wrote the Soil Mechanics section in the USDA Handbook on farm ponds; is a member of the American Society of Civil Engineers; an adjunct Professor at Portland State University; authored or co-authored eight papers in various professional journals on collapse phenomena.

As a Director of the East Multnomah Soil and Water Conservation District, Clifton has pledged to promote use of the land that will maintain, enhance and insure a healthy continuation of our farming community and environment.

(This information furnished by Clifton E. Deal)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023