Political Parties | Precinct Committee Person Information

Political Parties

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Precinct Committee Person (PCP) Information

Precinct Committee Persons (PCPs) encourage voter registration, vote on official party business, elect county party leadership and nominate State Representatives or State Senators when there is a vacancy in one of those offices. PCPs are only permitted for major political parties. The Democratic Party of Oregon and the Oregon Republican Party have both chosen to elect PCPs. Each precinct is allotted a number of PCPs based on the count of registered voters in the precinct. Individuals can only file for (or serve in) one precinct at a time. However, the individuals can choose whether they want to file to serve in the precinct they reside in or an adjacent one.

    Precinct Committee Forms

    May 2024 Precinct Committee Election Information

    Precinct Committeeperson List in Multnomah County 2024 (elected and appointed)

    May 2022 Precinct Committee Election Information

    May 2022 Precinct Committee Results

    Please note: Write-in candidates must receive a minimum of 3 votes to be elected by write-in. Those candidates who did not receive the minimum and wish to serve as a precinct committee person should contact the local party.