Oregon's voter registration deadline for new Oregon residents is 21-days before Election Day. Updates to registration information can be made through Election Day. More registration information is listed below.
Am I registered to vote?
- Check or update your voter registration. Please note, if you are under 18 years old or a confidential voter, you will not be able to check the status of your registration online. If you recently registered, your information may not show online yet. To verify your registration status, please call 503-988-VOTE (8683).

Register to vote
- Register to vote online using the Oregon Secretary of State's My Vote if you are at least 16 years old, a resident of Oregon, and a citizen of the United States. An Oregon driver's license or state ID card issued by the Oregon Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV) is required to register online.
- If you do not have an Oregon Drivers License please print and fill out a paper voter registration form (links below), sign the form, and return it by mail or deliver in person. Please do not email your original paper registration card. The original paper registration is a requirement under Oregon law (ORS 247.012). If you do not have a printer please call Multnomah County Elections at 503-988-VOTE (8683). You can also get a paper registration form at your local U.S. Post Office or public library.
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - English
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - Español Spanish
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - 中文 Chinese
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - Tiếng Việt Vietnamese
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - Soomaali Somali
- Fillable PDF Oregon voter registration - русский Russian
- Military and overseas voter information. If you are in the Military or living out of the county, it is very important you are registered as a UOCAVA voter. UOCAVA ballots are mailed 45 days before an election; local ballots are mailed 20 days before an election.
- Information for voters experiencing housing instability or houselessness. Yes, you can still register to vote if you don't have a permanent address.
- Voting rights for a person convicted of felony.
Update your registration
- Address change - If you are already registered in Oregon and only changing your residence or mailing address (local or overseas), update your address here.
- Party affiliation change - Update your party affiliation by completing a new registration card online or print.
- Name change - Complete a new print registration card so that we have your new signature on record.

Absentee, military or overseas registration
- Military and overseas ballots are mailed out 45 days before Election day.
- Out of state ballots are mailed out 30 days before Election day.
- In-state ballots are mailed out beginning 20 days before Election day.
If you are going to be away from home during the 20 day voting period, you can request an absentee ballot as early as 43 days before the election. You will need to complete an Absentee Ballot Request Application, print it and sign it and you will need to visit the elections office (address listed below) to pick it up. Absentee ballot request forms are also available at the Elections office. Please note, if you are also picking up a ballot for another person in the household, that person will need to provide a
authorizing the other person to pick up the ballot.
Multnomah County Duniway-Lovejoy Elections Building
1040 SE Morrison St., Portland, OR 97214
Phone: 503-988-8683 | Fax: 503-988-3719
Email: elections@multco.us
If you are away from your Oregon residence address during the election and need to add or update a mailing address, you can either complete the Absentee ballot request form, use the online change of address form or update at My Vote. An out of state ballot will be mailed to you as early as 30 days before Election day. If the mailing address is in Oregon, it will be mailed out beginning 20 days before Election day.
Military and overseas voter information If you are in the Military or living out of the county, it is very important you are registered as a UOCAVA voter. UOCAVA ballots are mailed 45 days before an election; local ballots are mailed 20 days before an election.
I will be away from my home on Election Day...
- But still within the United States
a. Absentee Ballot Request Application
b. or if you have an Oregon Drivers license you can update online at My Vote. - Because I am a military or overseas voter.
Please contact Multnomah County Elections for assistance at elections@multco.us. You can return your voted ballot in the mail on or before Election Day. Your mailed ballot must be postmarked on or before Election Day in order to count. You can also return your voted ballot to any Official Ballot Drop Site in Oregon by 8:00 p.m. on Election Day.
Cancel my registration
To cancel your Oregon voter registration in Multnomah County, please email, mail or fax us a signed
DocumentCancellation Form (140 KB)(61.06 KB). Please note, canceled registration records are public records under Oregon's public records laws.
If you have moved out-of-state and are registering in your new state it is helpful if you list your previous Oregon registration information. The new state will then notify us. You can also send us a signed
DocumentCancellation Form (140 KB)by email, fax or by mail.
- If you wish to report a deceased person who was registered in Multnomah County, please send a copy of the death certificate to Multnomah County elections by mail, fax or by e-mail as a scanned document.
Where can I find voter registration cards?
Confidential Voter Information
An elector may request that a county elections official not disclose the residence address of the elector. If approved, the county elections official shall not disclose that information except in compliance with a court order, a request by a law enforcement agency, or with the consent of the elector. For additional information visit Confidential Voter Information.
Related Forms:
- SEL 550 - Application to Exempt Residence Address from Disclosure as a Public Record - (pdf file, 239 KB)
- SEL 500 - Oregon Voter Registration Card - (pdf file, 1.5 MB)
- Please mail the SEL 550 form along with a SEL 500 form to Multnomah County Elections.
Oregon Administrative Rule 165-005-0130
Note: Military and Out-of-Country Voters should complete the Voter Registration and Absentee Ballot Request (FPCA) instead of the Oregon Voter Registration Card.
Other registration information
- Elections Frequently Asked Questions
- Frequently Asked Questions about Voter Notification Cards.
- Voter Status FAQ (PDF)
- To check the status of your registration, please visit My Vote.
- Voter Registration Data in Multnomah County
- Register @16. Vote @18.
- Motor Voter Act FAQ - Information from the Oregon Secretary of State's office on the motor voter act.
- Signature Stamp Attestation Form SEL 540 - Form required for voter to use a signature stamp or other indicator of the voter’s signature on any election document.