We've moved our Official Ballot Drop box on SE 11th Avenue!
We’ve moved our Official Ballot Drop Box on SE 11th Avenue one block north. Due to impending construction of a new building in our neighborhood, we’ve moved our 24-hour Official Ballot drop box on the East Side of SE 11th Ave. one block north.
It is now located on the East side of SE 11th Ave. between SE Alder St and SE Morrison St. Look for signs with directions placed around the building.
The drop box on the north side of SE Belmont St between SE 10th Ave and SE 11th Ave has not moved.
For a list of official drop sites in Multnomah County, please visit our website.
Official Ballot Drop Sites for the November 2, 2021 Special Election
Official ballot drop boxes are open from the day ballots are mailed, 20-days prior to Election day until 8:00 pm, Election night.