Information on Write In Votes

If there is a filed candidate or candidates on the ballot, Multnomah County Elections tallies the total write in number for each contest, but not individual names, unless no candidate has filed for the position or the total for write in exceeds that for the filed candidate or candidates. In those cases, the individual write in names are determined and tallied. You'll find more information about the write in process in the Oregon Revised Statute below.

Tally of Write In Votes (ORS 254.500)

(1) This section governs the tally of votes cast for persons whose names were not printed on the ballot but are written in by electors. All such write-in votes for each office on the ballot shall be tallied together, except as follows:

(a) If the total number of write-in votes for candidates for the same nomination or office equals or exceeds the number of votes cast for any candidate for the same nomination or office on the ballot who appears to have been nominated or elected, the county clerk shall tally all write-in votes cast for the office to show the total number of votes cast for each write-in candidate.

(b) If no names of candidates are printed on the ballot for an office, the county clerk shall tally the votes cast for each candidate for the office who received a vote.

(2) No person other than the county clerk, a member of a counting board or any other elections official designated by the county clerk may tally write-in votes. [1985 c.508 §2; 1993 c.493 §45; 1995 c.607 §46; 1999 c.318 §38]

Last reviewed January 12, 2023