Kaiser has a dedicated resource for services designed for transgender members. The Gender Pathways Clinic located in the East Interstate Kaiser Medical Offices provides culturally competent care to both adult and pediatric transgender and non-binary patients.
For additional information, contact Kaiser at 503-249-6748 or 1-800-813-2000Moda
To learn more about these benefits, please call Moda Health Customer Service at 888-445-7413 (TTY users, please dial 711) or via email at multcountycs@modahealth.com.
Additional benefits that may be helpful:
Medical Flexible Spending Account - MERP: Expenses for gender-affirming treatments and surgery are eligible medical expenses with a
DocumentFSA Letter of Medical Necessity (64.22 KB)signed by your provider. You will also need to provide PacificSource with a detailed receipt or explanation of benefits.
- Leave: You may apply for FMLA/OFLA protected leave for qualifying procedures. You may also qualify for short term disability or catastrophic leave. More information when you apply.
- Employee Assistance Program: EAP benefits include counseling for up to 6 sessions per person per issue and other work-life services. For more information, click the link.