Optional Buy-Up Short Term Disability Insurance

Standard Insurance Company Logo*For Local 88, IUPAT, and MCCDA employees only.

The County provides Long Term Disability insurance at no cost to you.  LTD provides partial salary replacement (~60% of monthly) due to your own disabling injury/illness after a 90 days.

If you would like to receive disability benefits before this 90 day waiting period, you can apply for Optional Short Term Disability insurance at any time. STD provides partial salary replacement of ~60% of weekly salary up to $700 maximum per week.

Optional STD Buy Up Plan Details:

  • If you make over $60,667 per year, you can purchase an additional Buy-up STD plan to increase your maximum weekly benefit above the $700 limit to get you to 60%.
    • Up to weekly max of $1,500.
  • Note: you have to be enrolled in the Optional STD plan to enroll in the buy-up plan.

How to apply

  • Enroll using the Workday Benefits and Pay Hub

  • Workday will show the costs of all plans as you select.

  • Costs will be deducted post-tax from your paycheck on a semi-monthly basis.

Detailed information can be found in the:

  • You can enroll anytime, but if enrolling late (after first 31 days of hire/eligibility) you will have a 60 day waiting period for the first year of coverage (vs. a 30 day waiting period) for physical disease, pregnancy, or mental illness.