Project Information:
- Location: NE 238th Drive, between Arata and Oregon St. (see location map)
- Schedule: The road reopened on December 3, 2021.
- Estimated Cost: $11.5 million
- Funding Sources: Multnomah County provided about $3.95 million and ODOT’s Statewide Transportation Improvement Program provided roughly $7.55 million.
Project Description:
This project made it easier for trucks to navigate the curve on this section of 238th. It also improved access for other modes of transportation, including pedestrians and bicyclists.
The improved road includes:
A 14-foot southbound (uphill) lane with a 12-foot passing lane
A 15-foot northbound lane
10-foot shared paths for walking and biking on both sides
Improved drainage and vegetation
As few property impacts as possible
The project was a top priority in the East Metro Connections Plan. It was identified by a consensus of the four East County cities and Multnomah County. The plan was adopted by the four city councils, the Metro Council, and the Multnomah County Board.
The road had no bike lanes and just a narrow sidewalk on one side. The improvements created an opportunity to improve all modes of transportation and improve access to adjacent businesses.
The road was also difficult for freight. Many trucks were restricted here. The changes allow trucks to connect more easily between US26 and I-84. Improved freight movement on 238th helps balance truck traffic between the four I-84 exits in East County.
Document Library
For traffic information and public presentations, visit the project's Document Library.