Adopt-A-Road Manual | About This Packet | Overview | Objective & Definition of Roles | Group Applicant Responsibilities | Safety Rules | Download Forms
The Purpose
The purpose of the Adopt-A-Road packet is to provide information for a citizen’s group to participate in Multnomah County’s program. All information from a general inquiry to the formal agreement of the permit is found here. Most of the information is for the responsible individual of the group or Group Coordinators who serve as a liaison between the group and the County.
A Road Map of the Permit Process
The Overview is a one page summary explanation of the Adopt-A-Road program. It can be distributed independently of the packet and can be obtained at various County offices.
The Objectives and Definition of Roles, Group Applicant Responsibilities, and Group Agreement provide information for the Group Coordinators. The Group Applicant Responsibilities explains what is required of each group that participates. The Group Agreement is the signed permit between the County and the Group, which lists the binding terms of the permit along with the agreed work detail dates.
After a group has decided to participate in the program, a Group Application Form is submitted to the County. This form documents the initial information about the group, including what road segments they may be interested in adopting. This information will be recorded into a County database.
After the group has been accepted, an Approved Group Registration Form is completed. The final adopted road segment is listed, along with additional contact information of group coordinators, size of the work detail, and suggested work dates.
Safety Rules are detailed instructions for all participants. Additional copies can be obtained at the Right-of-Way Permit office. It is essential that all participants read and understand this section!
The Individual Participant Release Form must be filled out and signed by all participants. This form, as well as all others in this packet, will be kept on file by the County for the duration of the permit. The Parental/Guardian Release Form must be signed by the parents or guardian of participants that are younger than 18 years old.
The Group Active Participant Roster is to be completed and filed with the County by the Group Coordinator before each work detail. Its purpose is to inform the County of who is working within the group. The Work Day Release Form is to be signed by all participants the day of the work detail event at the work site.