Buying or Selling a Business

Info you need when you're ready to buy or sell a business with taxable personal property

When your business sells

If you are selling or purchasing a business, it is important to contact the Assessor's Office to ensure that there are no outstanding taxes due on the personal property (equipment associated with the business) you are selling or purchasing.

Notifying the Assessor

If your business sold, complete the Business Sold section on your Business Personal Property Return.

image of fill-in block for business that sold or are out of business

You must:

  • give the date you sold the business.
  • provide Name and Address of new owner
  • indicate on the asset list which assets transferred with sale
  • provide a copy of the sale document, if available

If you are reporting a business sale and do not have a Business Personal Property Return please complete a file an

Personal property equipment lists are confidential in the State of Oregon. The seller must give an

for Multnomah County to disclose the existing asset list to the new owner.

Important notes regarding tax liability:

If you were in business on January 1, you are responsible for filing a Real Property and Confidential Personal Property Return and paying taxes this fall. Multnomah County does not prorate tax liability for Buyers and Sellers. This is the responsibility of the Property Owner.
Machinery & Equipment and Personal Property taxes become a lien on assets of a business on July 1st or the day before the sale of the assets. For more specific information please refer to ORS 311.405.
NOTE: If you report your business has sold, but fail to provide new owner information, the County will not transfer the ownership and the account will remain your financial responsibility.

NOTE: If you report your business has sold, but fail to provide new owner information, the County will not transfer the ownership and the account will remain your financial responsibility.

Last reviewed December 2, 2024