Corbett Water District - Measure No. 26-13

BALLOT TITLEGENERAL OBLIGATION BOND AUTHORIZATIONQUESTION: Shall the District be authorized to contract a general obligation bonded indebtedness in an...



QUESTION: Shall the District be authorized to contract a general obligation bonded indebtedness in an amount not to exceed $2,950,000? If the bonds are approved, they will be payable from taxes on property or property ownership that are not subject to the limits of Section 11 and 11b of Article XI of the Oregon Constitution.

SUMMARY: This measure authorizes the Corbett Water District to issue general obligation bonds of not to exceed $2,950,000, to construct and equip additional water storage facilities, improve the water treatment plant, make related improvements and to pay all costs incidental thereto. Bonds would mature over a period of not to exceed 21 years.


The principal amount of bonds issued would not exceed $2,950,000. The estimated average property tax rate to pay for these bonds is expected to be less than $1.59 per $1,000 assessed value the first year of the debt service on these bonds. Taxes on a home valued at $150,000 would be $238.50 the first year of debt service.

Proceeds from this bond measure will help Corbett Water District to:

• Provide water storage for all District customers,

• Provide a buffer between the water treatment plant and customers,

• Enhance the treatment plant's ability to manage turbid raw water from Gordon Creek,

• Reduce production flow rates through the Water Treatment Plant,

• Increase the life of the slow sand filters and reduce water waste,

• Provide an emergency supply of water when the Water Treatment Plant is shut down,

• Decrease chlorine dosages,

• Increase chlorine contact time,

• Increase the effectiveness of the water treatment plant,

• Provide a backup chlorination system,

• Increase monitoring of chlorine and turbidity levels,

• Decrease incidents of air incursion, or "milky" water, and

• Increase the amount of stored water available for fire protection.

Currently, there is no water storage at the Water Treatment Plant. Production level at the Water Treatment Plant is determined by peak demand. During peak demand in the summer months, the production level approaches the maximum amount of flow available from the water source. A reservoir would provide a storage buffer between the Water Treatment Plant and customers. Production levels would be reduced to the daily average flow. Peak demands would be supplied by water stored in the reservoir. The water level in the reservoir would recover between periods of peak demand. Operating the Water Treatment Plant at the daily average flow would increase the life of the filters and reduce water loss.

Baffling inside the reservoir would increase chlorine contact time and make it possible to decrease chlorine dosages while continuing to meet or exceed state and federal drinking water standards. A backup chlorination system, additional monitoring of turbidity and chlorine residuals, and the ability to shut down the raw water feed to the filters if turbidity increases beyond a predetermined set point will be included in the project.

Submitted by:
Randy Stark
Corbett Water District

No arguments FOR or AGAINST this measure were filed.

Last reviewed January 12, 2023