For All Campaigns
- How and where to file for office.
- Manuals and forms from the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
- Election laws, rules and publications from the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
- 2019 Synopsis of Oregon Election Laws from the Oregon Secretary of State's office.
Candidate Filing Forms and Information
Candidate filing requirements & fees
All fees paid to Multnomah County are by cash, check or credit/debit card.
- Multnomah County
- Metro
- People's Utility Districts
- Special Districts (includes community college districts, education service districts, school districts, water districts, fire districts, and Urban Flood Safety & Water Quality District)
- Soil & Water Conservation Districts
- Cities
Candidate filing forms
- Candidate Filing Form for Metro and Multnomah County Candidates (Form SEL 101)
- PUD and Special District Candidate Filing Form (Form SEL 190)
- Optional Petition Sheet (Form SEL 121)
- Precinct Committee Filing Form (Form SEL 105)
- City of Portland candidates file with City of Portland Elections office.
Other candidate information
- Candidates Manual from Oregon Secretary of State's office
- Candidate withdrawal form (Form SEL 150)
- Campaign Finance & Disclosure information
Voters' pamphlet forms for candidates
- Candidate Filing Form for County Voters’ Pamphlet - JCVP-01 (1.03 MB)
- Endorsement form (Use of endorser name determined by endorser) for County Voters’ Pamphlet - JCVP-02B (813.52 KB)
Note: JCVP forms are subject to periodic changes and revisions. Previously published versions of the JCVP will still be honored and accepted for filing.
Measure Filing Forms and Information
- Learn more about Initiative, Referendum and Recall Petitions
Filing information and forms for Districts to file a ballot measure
- Guides and reference information for Districts
- County, City and District Referral Manual - A guide from Oregon Secretary of State's office for local jurisdictions.
- Tax Election Ballot Measures - A guide to writing ballot measures for property taxing authority from Oregon Dept. of Revenue.
- Document
- produced by Oregon Secretary of State.
- Forms to file Ballot Measure
- Request For Ballot Title - (Form SEL 805) Used by County and Special District to request ballot title and for Multnomah County Elections to prepare and publish Public Notice. This form must be submitted no later than the 80th day before an election.
- Notice of County Measure - (Form SEL 801) Used by County when public notice is complete or court has adjudicated ballot language. Ballot Title and Explanatory Statement must be submitted at the same time.
- Notice of City Measure - (Form SEL 802) Used by City and sent to Multnomah Co Elections when City public notice is complete or court has adjudicated ballot language. Ballot Title and Explanatory Statement must be submitted at the same time.
- Notice of District Measure - (Form SEL 803) Used by Special District when public notice is complete or court has adjudicated ballot language. Ballot Title and Explanatory Statement must be submitted at the same time.
Voters' Pamphlet forms for measure arguments
All fees paid to Multnomah County are by cash, check or credit/debit card.
Note: JCVP forms are subject to periodic changes and revisions. Previously published versions of the JCVP will still be honored and accepted for filing.
- Document
- Multnomah County Voters' Pamphlet form for Measure Arguments.
DocumentMeasure Argument Signature Petition Sheet (387.86 KB)- Optional petition for Measure Argument Signature Sheet.
- Endorsement form (Use of endorser name determined by endorser) for County Voters’ Pamphlet - JCVP-02B (813.52 KB)
- Multnomah County Voters' Pamphlet form for Endorsements.