The Child Welfare Council has had many great accomplishments over the years. As issues tend to circle around, this site attempts to capture some of that great work for future reference.
Children in Court
- DocumentA Place at the Table (3.6 MB)
- DocumentCourts Consulting with Children (499.89 KB)
- DocumentEngaging Children in Court (1.44 MB)
- DocumentGuidelines for Consulting with Children (1.28 MB)
- DocumentNotice to Child (175.43 KB)
- DocumentVoice for Voiceless (2.24 MB)
Decision Point Analysis
- DocumentChild Welfare Court Mapping (220.84 KB)
- Document
- DocumentPSU Qualitative Report 2009 (230.1 KB)
- DocumentSelf Assessment (28 KB)
- DocumentKnowing Who You Are Training 2010 (824.04 KB)
- DocumentImplicit Bias (8.79 MB)
- DocumentFinal Multnomah County Report (165 KB)
- DocumentBuried Prejudice (13.99 MB)
- Document2010 Model Court Conference (73.07 KB)
Family Time
- DocumentFamily Time Accomplishments 4.22.14 (58.22 KB)
- DocumentAttorney Checklist Family Time (137.11 KB)
- Document
- DocumentFamily Time Plan Checklist (240.19 KB)
- DocumentVisitation Report to CWC 11-21-11 (76.13 KB)
Parent Calendar
- Document2011 Calendar (1.36 MB)
- Document2012 Calendar (501.5 KB)
- Document2013 Calendar (487 KB)
Parent Orientation
- DocumentParent Orientation Changes (192.5 KB)
Post Termination of Parental Rights Support
- DocumentPost TPR Protocols (130.92 KB)
School Stability
- DocumentBest Interest Protocol 2009 (187.63 KB)
- Document
Young Children in Foster Care
- Document
- Document
Youth Voice
- Document
International Issues- April 4, 2014 Training
Immigration and Children- March 11, 2014- Training VIDEO
Immigration and Children- March 4, 2014 Training VIDEO