Laidlaw Culvert Replacement

Replacement of culvert and catchbasin on NW Laidlaw Road to stop flooding.

  • Location: NW Laidlaw Road between North and Thompson (location map)
  • Schedule: TBD
  • Estimated Cost: To be determined
  • Funding Source: County Roadway Funds

Project Description

This project will remove an undersized 12” culvert and damaged catch basin, and replace them with a new 24” culvert and a new catch basin. This will prevent water from pooling alongside the ditch and into the road.

Map graphic showing detour route described in the text.

Traffic Impacts

Laidlaw will be closed to all traffic at the site of construction for about two weeks. The recommended detour is NW Thompson Road to NW Saltzman Road.

Access will be maintained for local residents and deliveries on either side of the closure.

We are interested in your feedback on this project. Please fill in the form below if you have comments, questions or suggestions.

Last reviewed September 13, 2022