Occupation: Fire & Emergency Services Director City of Gresham
Occupational Background:
- City of Gresham (1994-present) Economic Development Manager; Private & Economic Development Manager; Building Division manager; Fire & Emergency Services Director
- Cofounder Oregon Business Magazine employee and board of directors (1981-1993) ....various jobs including publisher; editor; marketing director
- Self employed (1980-1981) Publisher; marketing consultant
- Educator (1969-1979) Pendleton Teacher; Umatilla ESD; Oregon Department of Education in Salem
- College job (1965-1968) Used Auto Reconditioning/Gas station attendant
- High School jobs (1960-1964) Grocery stock boy; custodian; timber thinner
Educational Background: Western Oregon College...MS Education 1974; Eastern Oregon College.... BS Education 1968; Sandy Union High School..Diploma 1964
Prior Governmental Experience: Eldriedge Elementary School District board member
Past Community Service:
Board of Directors: Human Solutions; Gresham Area Chamber of Commerce; Columbia Willamette YMCA; Mt. Hood Medical Center Foundation; President, Metropolitan Youth Symphony Association; Gresham School Facilities Study Committee; Sam Barlow High School Parent Advisory Group
All children should have the opportunity to develop their full potential. As a board member, I will call on over 30 years experience as an educator, business person, government employee, parent and community leader to make positive decisions for kids. I am extremely proud of the Gresham-Barlow Schools and consider it a personal honor to represent the citizens of the district in this capacity. I will listen, learn and strive to make good decisions.
(This information furnished by Rob Fussell)