Occupation: Tri-Met Communications Director

Occupational Background: Press Secretary for U.S. Rep. Elizabeth Furse in Washington, DC; 10 years experience in Portland television market, including producing KATU’s “Town Hall” program and a daily news show on KGW-TV.

Educational Background: Graduate of Grant High School and Oregon State University (BS in Broadcast Media Communications)

Prior Governmental Experience: SMART (Start Making a Reader Today) volunteer at Chief Joseph Elementary School since 1999 “Support our Local Schools Campaign” volunteer to pass the local option levy, May 2000

I am running for the School Board because I believe, with my experience, abilities and passion for education, I can address critical issues facing our children. We must:

  • step up the pace for student achievement
  • eliminate the intolerable achievement gap for low-income and minority students
  • ensure responsible use of tax dollars
  • increase community involvement to meet the challenges ahead

Making a difference

Some of the most fulfilling moments of my life have been reading to “my kids” each week at Chief Joseph Elementary School in North Portland as part of the SMART program. I see firsthand how my time, attention and involvement help them achieve, feel better about themselves and give them a foundation for learning. There is no more important work.

I want to bring that same dedication to work
for all students and teachers.

Helping students succeed

We must not focus solely on test scores. To be successful, we need our young people to become lifelong learners. I vow that students and teachers will have the tools to achieve.

“Mary Fetsch is the best candidate for Portland schools. Mary’s experience, skills and talent is exactly what’s needed to help our students succeed.”

Former U.S. Congresswoman Elizabeth Furse

Other community support

George Passadore Craig Berkman Derrick Foxworth
Larry Jackson, Portland Observer newspaper, Ray Leary...and many others!

Vote for Mary Fetsch for Portland Schools...dedicated to helping our kids succeed.

(This information furnished by Mary Fetsch for schools)


Occupation: Sr. Designer: Standards Engineering, Freightliner

Occupational Background: Engineering

Educational Background: Queen College, NC: MBA completed 60% (before job relocation). University of North Carolina, Magna Cum Laude, BA

Prior Governmental Experience: Portland Public School Board, appointed December 1999


Husband/father, five children including 2 foster sons, three attending public schools

Wrote/sponsored resolution recognizing Robert G. Ford, first African American to teach in Portland Public Schools.

Organized a community forum on the Achievement Gap.

Presented to the school board, on behalf of the community forum, a one-page resolution “Eliminating the Achievement Gap.”

Arranged for a NASA scientist to meet students/faculty, secured an agreement for future visitations to expose students to science/technology.

My Focus:

Achievement Gap (Accountability; 21st Century Education Act)

Transparency of Governance (Easy & timely access)

Technology Integration (Curriculum; optimize work process; improve communication)

Community Service:

State Commissioner - Vote By Mail

Chair-Multnomah County Citizen Involvement Committee-appointed by the honorable Gladys McCoy, 1992-1996.

  • Key role in the development of the Gladys McCoy Award, presented the first Award in April 1995.
  • Presided over development and rollout of a web site to assist citizen’s access/involvement
  • Little League coach, Little League President, coach-Blazer Boys/Girls Club, Sitton Elementary PTA.

Also served on commissions/committees addressing affordable housing, traffic calming, Cathedral Park Neighborhood.

Endorsed by The OREGONIAN November 5, 1999.

Endorsed by:

Senator Avel Gordly; Representative Dan Gardner; Mike Fahey; Representative JoAnn Bowman; Carrie Adams; Linda S. Hunter; Jamie Partridge; Dana Brown; Portland Association of Teachers; ACORN PAC; Multnomah County Democratic Party; Portland Rainbow Coalition; National Association of Letter Carriers 82; Eastside Democratic Club; Portland New Party; Bruce Broussard & Associates; Alternative Communications Techniques; Northwest Oregon Labor Council

Also endorsed by numerous progressive parents, community action organizations and labor unions.

(This information furnished by Derry Jackson)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023