Occupation: Crescent Electric Supply, Business Executive 1998-Present

Occupational Background: Westar Electric Supply, President, 1990-1998; EOFF Electric Company, Exec V.P., 1978-1989; Rives, Bonyhadi & Smith, Attorney, 1977-1978; U.S. District Court, Law Clerk for Gus J. Solomon, 1976-1977

Educational Background: J. D. Yale Law School, 1976; AB., Albion College, 1972

Prior Governmental Experience: Director, Riverdale School Board, 1992-Present

I have appreciated the opportunity to serve the Riverdale community as a member of the school board over the past eight years. My original motivation for joining the board was to assist in the construction of a new high school facility for the district. I approached that venture with a great deal of enthusiasm and a considerable measure of naivete. Unforeseen obstacles appeared at every turn and as a result, that task has not yet been completed. All of us have learned along the way that building a high school involves much more than bricks and mortar. It is my strong desire to see this project brought to a successful conclusion that leads me to seek re-election at this time.

Riverdale is a unique community whose commitment to public education is unmatched in the state of Oregon. This community has supported that commitment for over 110 years. During that time we built an institution that has served our community, our state and most importantly, our children. It is that commitment that we must strive to build and sustain. I appreciate your support and look forward to serving you.

(This information furnished by Paul H. Francis)

Last reviewed January 12, 2023